Heady Bear's Den- "Choose Your Own Adventure" OG Style!

Thanks for the support everybody. Feeling a little better, and I appreciate all the kind words


You’re a good person to do so. Sorry to hear about your little buddy.


Ivan and Jammer got watered along with Echo today. Jammer looking pretty rough, as is Kelly, but we’re on the home stretch. Ivan doesn’t give a fuck though, because she’s actually a fucking OG that’s masquerading as a Trainwreck. Golf ball buds all the way up 6 lonely stems! Smells like garlic.

57F TW





Your plants look gorgeous, I don’t have anything that far into flower yet. Im right behind ya.:green_heart:


just catching up and wanted to say i’m sorry to hear about your cat Pippin. it’s always crushing to have to say goodbye to anyone. really thoughtful and loving that you want to be there. i remember reading an article a while back from a vet urging pet owners to be there at their pet’s last moments as it’s a less traumatic transition when a friendly and familiar face is there with them :heart:


61 days of flower for Trainwreck, and all 3 plants are still spitting out fresh pistils :crazy_face::grin::bear:
Definitely gonna go 10 weeks, it seems that will even include “OG Ivan” :sweat_smile:
The buds are looking great on Jammer and Ivan; Kelly’s buds are small, and much darker green.
Aromas from Jammer and Kelly are cedar, sandalwood, and funk, Ivan’s golf balls smell like lemon zest…did I mention she’s an OG?
Anyway, it’ll be interesting to see what the f1s from their branches end up like!
The MaMaHaze, Echo is really starting to bring some mango terps and there’s been a slight uptick in trichome production. Seeds are peeking out from the lowers, and we will have A LOT of MaMaHaze F3s… for people who want to roll the dice on a potential 12-15 week grow :flushed: I guess the smoke report will determine that!
Glands continue to be a combination of milky and clear, with no sign of ambering at day 90.
Bud structure is still pretty loose, and I’m still seeing a lot of larf. This is super fucking fun, and I am shocked by how long I’ve had this plant in my tents!
Pictures and nametags at next watering, HeadyBear: out :bear::+1:


Just found this thread will take a while to get through it just wanted to say sorry about your feline friend. Will be cool to see what sort of plant(s) you find in that swami vietnam cross!


Nice to have you stop by brother. I’m pretty much a noob, just trying to find my way.
Your work, and photos are amazing, so be gentle with my novice grow! :sweat_smile:


My heart goes out to you :slightly_frowning_face: from breeding Rottweilers all my life I can not count the sadness on the days I had to make the right decision on my beloved dogs lives not to be selfish because of the great happiness they brought me but to show them compassion and will never get over that feeling. 🥹


Thank you brother.

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Okay some bud shots:

Jammer - the first photo is how she looks in person




Love the look of those buds my man. My last batch turned out a bit wispy and not as dense as I’d like. You think that has to do with environment or genetics? Grew them outside and they turned out kinda airy like if they were in a high humidity area but they weren’t. I’m in Los Angeles where we have a Mediterranean environment.


Mighty fine lookin nuggets dude! Making me regret letting those beans go :wink:
Well done bud!!


Was it this strain from Twenty20? I’ve heard some folks say that their Trainwreck plants, from various companies, ended up airy, or looked bulky, but didn’t have any weight. I imagine it was just the genetic crapshoot. Very little uniformity present, even looking at just 3 plants.

Making me regret letting those beans go

At least you’ll get a boatload of seeds back! I got you for both the Chernobyl and MaMaHaze Trainwreck chucks, none of this is possible without your gift.


Nah, it was guerrilla fume by Lucky Dog. Makes me wonder if I got a bad batch of seeds. Still got a few more running. Guess I’ll see how those come out. I’ve heard so many great things about that company and strain. Kinda letting me down so far.


What part of year did you run how many hours of direct light where they getting I noticed that the plant I had full term that where finishing around October was way more dense then the clones I put out late October for a 2nd run all but one plant was a bit more on the airy side


I put them out around January and they get about 9-10 hours of direct sunlight before the garage shades them a bit. Think this is the cause by chance?


Then is some chunky-ass buds their growmie! Very nice very nice indeed.


Very well could be the genetics not agreeing with the climate I’m not sure how lucky dogs stuff runs outdoor but seems to do great indoor from what I’ve seen but I think that also being a later run getting a few less hours could also be the cause so many variables to really say


Nice buds, yer gonna be in trim jail soon, not a bad thing either .:peace_symbol: