Idk if this is from heat or light but my top leaves look like broken fingers anyone know what thos is from?
They don’t look fried, what is the temperature and humidity?
Also, what strain? Plants leaves can twist when there are other stressors. Mine twisted from being overfed/ too hotsoil.
Its only on the top leaves though
I’m using nectar coco with Dr earth veg under an hps 600 watt my humidity has been a little low in the 40s and temps in high 70s
Then I think you might have a vapor pressure deficit, if you check this chart:
you will see you may be out of the “comfort zone”, that affects plant transpiration. You should try to increase humidity, that tacoing may be a symptom of them wanting to avoid losing it while exposing less surface …
It was the humidity I got a humidifier now there fine thank you and I raised ny light with thos new app for Apple korona