Hello from New Mexico

Yeah, anyone that knows much about ABQ, knows that you’re right. for real.

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Welcome to OG @MrKen

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Resistance is futile :robot: :seedling: :seedling: :seedling: :seedling: :seedling: :seedling: :seedling: :seedling: :seedling: :seedling: :seedling:

I’m still a low level chucker - full disclosure :sweat_smile:

You have a solid toolbox already :+1: So now it’s just about decisions & planning & observations & time & space. Easy. :wink:

Growing weed is easy, but commitment is not. So, onward through the fog. :pensive:

Defining goals & simplifying will make it all a little bit easier.

4/4 is promising but 99/100 would be more confidently “isolated” but without knowing what mechanism in the plant & it’s dynamics(as a community) we can’t really say what’s going on with the 'blood.

I’d start with one or two goals in making a hybrid or exploring or inbreeding… like Plant A tastes great but it’s buds are too small & Plant B tastes ok but has massive yields, then A+B=AB with some variation. If both parents are unstabilized polyhybrids then buckle up for surprises.

Or maybe you want to add CBD to something… :man_shrugging:

The “KISS” principle (keep it simple, stupid) really helps orient me with this stuff.



They don’t call it "the land of entrapment"for nothing…lol


Ouch!, never heard that, but yeah… I know what you mean. Are the police till gunning people down as much as they used to? I took the back way from my hotel to Nob Hill one night to have some food and beers at that English Tavern and on the way back through that neighborhood I came upon a ton of police cars. After I got back I saw on the news that the cops gunned somebody down on their front porch. Even down in Texas you’d hear the stories on the TV. They don’t F around down there.

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@GMan That is about right. Sadly, right now its a lot of guys in there 20s and younger getting in shootouts. Even some Bonnie and Clyde types robbing gas stations. @Mrgreenthumb Haha for real, there’s a lot to love about it once you use to everything. I often get lost in the mesas and beautiful and landscape all around. An hour out in any direction takes you on a new adventure in Albuquerque.


No doubt I love it in NM. Lived in ABQ and Santa fe. Alot of open space


I’ve got a lot of family in NM area.
Sometimes I’m tempted to uproot and move there. I love the high desert plains.


This is true! I used up all my responses the instant I made an account :rofl:

This was what I was thinking. I chose the DragonsBlood because I knew I could make my selections for the bleeding trait during veg. I felt thought if I locked in the blood trait with female reversals it would cut the selection process down. The two parent plants I selected were relatively the same and the only difference would be head high quality. The S1 is really special, the plant had some buds that didn’t reverse, so I got seeds and to sample her. Very euphoric giggly high, busted out laughing with my wife over nothing. That why I am thinking crossing back to that S1 or maybe using the S1 for a new cross and then backcrossing to that cross with the F2 fems.

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