Hello from New Mexico

Hello, to all you overgrowers. I have lurked on here for some time and decided to post finally. I’ve been growing for 6 years now, all indoor, and spent my last grow of 2022 playing with some sts spray. After acquiring some DragonsBlood Hashplant v2 from Great Lake Genetics, I decided I wanted to see if I could isolate the blood trait with a limited amount of space. Popped 8, selected my two to cross and performed the reversal. It was a success but I also accidentally pollinated the remaining females. I kept the seeds separated so and tagged them with different color tap to know which is which. I was recently inspired by Antenna and his Grape Lazerlite, and want to incorporate more sativa into the next breeding round of my reversal. What should I look for when I’m breeding in a new strain? I have a lot of seeds I want to work with. I was thinking of using an African landrace, Malawi from ACE, Killamanjaro from World of Seeds, or Ciskei from Tropical Seeds. I also have several longer flowering landraces but I wanted to save those for when I hopefully get licensed later this year and can actually start growing with the power of the sun, not in some dinky 8ft tent :upside_down_face:. I also have a lot of S1s and IBL that I impulsively keep buying. I’m just not sure where to go next. I also have the the first version of the DragonsBlood Hashplant so I also could keep working the line to stabilize. I have 4 of the reversals planted so if they all bleed then does that mean I locked in the desired trait?


DragonsBlood v2 Grow


It’s unlikely to me (an amateur!) that this would be the case. F2 generations generally show a wide number of phenotypes ranging from mother, to father, to past generations of either. It’s the most heterogenous generation.
Even if all 4 plants bleed, the sample size is way too small to draw conclusions. You’ll likely be looking for two strong plans with the red sap trait to either carry forward into an F3 gen, or bleeders to backcross to the mother or father.
I think a strain is considered IBL after 5 or 7 (?) selected filial generations.


Dead spot on


Thanks for the reply, that’s what I was originally thinking as well. Bodhi seeds described the outcrossing of the pipeline male he used for the v2. “…… F1 hybrids with the line are showing a 50% blood traits. Blood

Expressing hybrids of hybrids are

Showing 0% blood traits with a limited experiment of only 6 seeds.”

In my run of 8 plants I selected the two with the most solid ring that were female. Out of the 8 I had 3 males and 5 females. Two males displayed a bleeding traits but not as dominant, and then I had a total of 3 females that bled. That’s 5 out of 8 plants that bled. Then selecting females and reversing should narrow down the gene pool. I also got S1s from the reversal. If the gene pool needs to be narrowed more, should I back cross to the S1 or further inbred and later cross back to the S1 say an F3 or F4?


Welcome to OG, @MrKen! I’m a flunkie in the breeding department myself, but we have lots of geniuses who’ll be along to help you.

What part of the state are you in? I’m just over the northern border in Trinidad, Colorado area. Before moving here I was doing a lot of work out of Midland, TX and mostly worked over in the Hobbs area, and up by Tatum.

How are the new laws working out? I haven’t been in a shop since they passed Rec. We have another guy here from the Taos area; @GrownAtHighAltitude.

Enjoy your stay bro. peace


Hello @MrKen, welcome to OG!
Looks like you got some good grows under your belt. I too am about to experiment with reversal and pollination soon. I’ll be following you here.
In the meantime, why don’t you come give us all a formal introduction? Right here:


Thanks @GMan! Love Trinidad, before legalization I was a medical patient. Trinidad Higher Calling and Rooted came in more clutch than my local medical dispensaries. I haven’t notice much difference in the scene in New Mexico yet. Price is still expensive as hell and the quality is still questionable. I’m in ABQ, haha that’s why I don’t grow outside. Lot of foot traffic on my street.

I read on Z-lab.nl, that Antenna seeds got licensed down here. Want to find where his stuff is. I think I’m the next couple years will get a bit better. I just can’t afford it right now haha, tax free for medical but still 35 an eighth. When I can drive 4 hours and pick up an oz for 100 or 75. Use to have a guy that got shit from Oregon, that bud was cheap and better then some of the stuff I was growing. Also had a guy that grew some really good hydro and he disappeared.


Welcome to OG @MrKen!

Glad to see more New Mexico homies. :smiley:


Hell yeah! Thanks @GrownAtHighAltitude. Glad to be here and represent! :hugs:


Welcome to OG @MrKen. Another burque grower here. :raised_hand:


Thanks @blowdout2269! I will do that, also will make a diary for the f2s growing out right now. I got to get some packaging but I want to send out some testers so I can get a bigger sample size of the f2s going.

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Hell yeah @ReikoX ! What area you in? I’m off of the sticks by the university. I want to grow outside so bad but the I literally had two guys passing through my back yard a week ago :joy:

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The Sun is King in New Mexico!

(AK Bean Brains TKxNL5/HazexNL1 Big Fuck)


NE Heights. Growing outside is not possible for me either, I have a minor in my home.


Damn! That’s what I’m talking about. The goal is to get out to Moriarity. I’ve picked up a bunch of landraces to play with. Indian Landrace has some new afghans dropping and I can not wait.


Oh yep, I’m a stay at home dad myself. My house couldn’t handle 3 tents so I had to move my grow op to my grandmas haha. I see my plants twice a week now. Breaks my heart.


I almost forgot about 'ol @ReikoX, our resident inventor of LITFA. Sorry brother!!

Hey, while I have you Albuquerque guys here, why do they call it the Duke City? I may have asked Reiko this a long time ago. I always like going there, to eat, and drink good craft beer. It’s a fun place. I have a couple of close friends here from ABQ, two brothers. We have other people here from there too.



It’s our history with Spanish colonialism. Before we were a state we were a Mexican territory. One of our malls, Coronado, is named after a Duke. I don’t like that part of history haha makes my ancestors cry. The food is beast, it’s lovely here most of the time. It’s the Wild West for sure though hahaha :rofl: