Help! 3 week old plant just toppled over

Mint Macaron autos by Gas Reaper genetics.


Interesting, keep us up to date!

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Haven’t heard of half these strains lol,I grow a lot of autos myself

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Yeah it’s a new breeder, he’s on seedsherenow

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Cool I’ll keep on eye on this grow,I have 7 autos growing at the minute


Haha, are you fucking with me? I always say that about how unnecessary it is to start seeds in a “starter” soil mix or underneath dimmer lighting or whatever. “In nature, seeds don’t start under dimmer lighting…” etc etc. You messing with me? Haha.

I agree, three gallon pots are fine to sow in. I was just thinking for beginners or whatever, it’s always best to start them in smaller pots, just so they can get a handle on how much to water etc.


Well with the OG Kush photoperiod seedlings I have them in starter cups in my grow tent in my bedroom. They’re doing great, I’ll post a picture in just a second on how they’re doing. I plan on putting THOSE in the ground, where I recently buried some rotted wood chunks and top dressed the soil I had there already with fresh cow manure. It’ll take a few weeks before I transfer them though, I’m thinking maybe 3 weeks or so?

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The OG Kush in my tent

I’m not too big on putting wood in the ground, seems like a waste, it also needs nitrogen to decompose and takes a long time. Trees take all this time to grow, bit of a shame to use them as fertilizer when you can use so many other kinds of organic matter. Consider it for growing mycorrhizal mushrooms instead? That will benefit your plants too. If you have excess wood, could stack it and pour some mycelium spawn over them, then cover with grass clippings / hay / straw.

Edit: I have nothing against starter pots, I use them for my vegetables! They are actually a good idea if you’re growing outside.

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Interesting. I’ll definitely look into that, too. Do you use companion plants? I live really close to a farmer’s market and can get various plants. I’m looking at Basil maybe to grow alongside the Kush plants in the ground.

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Mint, basil, onion, garlic and chives are good companion plants to confuse pests.
I plant everything mixed, no grouping going on, everything is scattered and dotted around, like the stars in the sky.


Definitely will keep an eye out with your grow =). Got 5 autos going now.


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Only if you want it to overtake everything

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Same with mint. I don’t mind. It’s edible. An abundance of edible food that multiplies by itself, what’s not to like?


Didn’t read the entire thread but I usually only have this happen when the plants are a little smaller and I feel like at that point it is the start of damping off *(if the stem looks like its having an issue at the soil level, I would gently move a little dirt away from the entire base of the stem to keep excess moisture from it, and try to water an inch away from that area when you do water to avoid the same)… Typically if I support the plant and do that, I have pretty decent success with saving them.

Not sure if this your case or not :slight_smile:


Just made some banana tea,make a liter and cut it with a gallon of water then ph it to 6.5


I just chop the banana peel and throw it in my pots. So funny how you all like to make all kinds of extra effort and expenses. Think and act like a forest.

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I’d be worried about moldy banana skins in my pots

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So long as humidity is under control it’s not an issue.
Soil is full of mold anyway, it’s just hidden.