Help! 3 week old plant just toppled over

The tag is what’s happening. Plant has been loving life, the leaves are still green, but this morning when I checked on it, the small plant looked like it just wanted to lay down on the dirt. So it did. I’ve been stingy with watering, but I just watered the plant and hoisted it back up. The plant looks like this after I put it back up. Should I be concerned about damping off?


Just keep it upright.
They have a tendency to do that at that size, usually lasts less than a week before “OK fine”.



Ok thank you so much, I was worried lol

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I have usually one doing that every grow, haven’t lost any to dampening off yet.
Some folks use clever bits of bent wire or pipe cleaners, I notch the end of a pop-sickle stick and use it like a crutch.



Put some extra
Soil around it hold it
Use a small plastic stick,or a chop stick that’s what I do tie it to it,once the plant gets stronger remove the stick


I have liked propping with soil better than a stake, because the stake makes the plant think it doesn’t have to grow a stronger stem, it seems.


Yep I went ahead and propped the plant up with soil. Thanks everyone!

I’ve never had that problem


When they get a little bit bigger, a small fan stirring the air will help improve stem strength.



See this plant has been outside all it’s life. It’s survived a few strong winds, too! That’s why I was kinda upset when it was just laying there.

Also I added some fresh manure to the area I’ve been weeding and tending to outside, where I look to plant my OG kush plants when they get bigger. I plan on tilling that manure and soil every day to get it ready for the plant (:grinning:

Why till? Let it settle, the microbes, fungi, insects, rain and gravity will do the work for you.
Keep adding organic matter and manure, no need to till, ever.
Look into permaculture and Geoff Lawton for more info. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hmmm. Good question. I have plenty of manure I can potentially use, even goat’s manure. Needless to say, I’m so excited to see how these grows turn out.


Regarding weeds: nettles, dandelion, thistle and other plants that have deep taproots typically contain a lot of minerals so just use them as mulch. Thistle will help keep snails away too.

Banana peels are great fertilizer too, along with other veggie and fruit kitchenscraps.

Grass clippings is another one, and tree leaves.


Maybe it’s the camera angle or whatever, but it looks to me like it’s in way too big of a pot. You wanna put seedlings in little tiny pots for the first few weeks. Then, once their roots have developed, put it in a bigger pot.

Weed’s resilient, though. I’m sure it’ll all work out.


When I first started growing I didn’t have a clue I never lowered the lights so all my young plants would do this lol

I used chop sticks stuff like that to hold them up,but you do have to be careful I found some kinds of wood get mold real quick,

I changed to plastic coat hangers lol,I would cut up coat hangers to make little stakes

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I just put the germinated seed directly into the pot that’s why. I made the pot decision before I found this site lol

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I sow straight into 3 gallon pots, it really doesn’t matter.
What happens in nature? Seeds fall down onto the soil right?


It’s an autoflower too so I didn’t want to transfer too many times.

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What strain?

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