Help! First time grower. Autoflowers. BUGS🤬

I just sprayed neem oil is cinnamon ok as well?


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We’ll need some more information about your grow bud. First off, indoor or outdoor? Because that looks like caterpillar or grasshopper damage. But things like medium, feedings, and environment will help us all to help you diagnose this issue. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Seedlings are the most vulnerable to attackers. Anytime I have plants that small I always put a “ring of fire” around it of cayenne, cinnamon works well too. Since it’s just in veg u can dust the plants with it too without issues

I avoid neem, feel like it makes the buds to harsh

Really to have a lil leaf damage ain’t gonna bother it, if a top got chewed off or missing most ur seedling id be more concerned but weed is resilient, just ward off the pests and the thing should still do fine.


I am using purple cow indicanja. Outdoor grow I do believe this strain is northern lights auto
I have “quick one” growing in separate pot sitting right next to eachother

Untouched by bugs but also sprayed with neem and separated the pots away from eachother.

I sprinkled cinnamon around both and about to add cayenne.


I only sprayed neem on outside of the pots. I’ll avoid it for now on.


Some bugs just like certain plants. In my greenhouse of about 25 plants Ive got 3-4 that ants just won’t fuck off of, got em to abandon a couple but won’t give it a rest on the other couple

If u wanna do something without throwing anything on the plant then get 4 sticks on four sides of ur grow container and pitch a tent with some mesh screen over top of it at night when it’s being unattended


They really are resilient! A couple runs ago I had all my seedlings lined up like soldiers in their solos. They were in my 2x2 and basically ground level. I went to fill the spray bottle with water. When I came back Fred my little pupper perfectly plucked the top off one. A surgical snip that took the new single blades right down to nothing but the two cotys! I did everything as usual. It took two weeks but she started again and flowered out normally! Always amazed by the abuse they can withstand!


Are those leaves at the outer edge of the pot?
