Help get me off?

Other possibilities:

Everybody’s gut is different. There are some folks here that get consistently nothing from edibles. That response seems to be rare.

What I’ve found is I need oils in the edible for better uptake. For me that about doubles the effects.
The effects of the edible (for me) also seem to be moderated by what I have previously eaten (I haven’t pinned that down yet).



I’ve noticed eating garlic beforehand seems to supress the effects.
Also alcohol when ingested beforehand.


I wanna say that has something to do with the way your liver processes things, but dont quote me, I’m not a doctor LOL. But I get virtually NOTHING from gummies, meanwhile cookies and brownies work. After a few conversations with some peeps on here, I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m one of those people. I just don’t bother with gummies now… Too early on a sunday morning for me to get into an intelligent conversation on this, plus I just had a nice hit of freshly pressed rosin, so… enzymes and your liver :wink:


Eating 5 grams of hash should leave you destroyed.

Maybe you did the whole ball and inside temps didn’t get high enough?

Maybe it’s a CBD cultivar?

I dunno man.

I decarb at 212 for 40 minutes.


Many people cannot get anything from edibles it’s the way their kidneys and liver processes the chemical compounds. I know several people with this issue personally. Tried so many ways, nothing worked. Gave up, years later find out about the body not processing edibles the same way and we’ve chalked it up to that


Also, 5grams of Kief from 14g flower seems like a lot of “keif” (very high yeild) so maybe a lot of plant matter is making it through your sieve.

Don’t quote me but I think @ReikoX is getting 5% rosin return from flower. Flower->bubble hash->rosin.

Still, consuming 14g of flower should wreck you! IDK what the deez is.


I’ve had budtenders tell me this too. I haven’t ever gotten anything from edibles. I’ve tried the strongest gummies they sell, eaten half the bag, and I ended up giving the rest away. Dunno… I get plenty from smoke.


Indeed, it all comes down to a liver enzyme oriented issue.


My friend is the exact same. When she ate over 900g of distillate gummy worms on her second try and it didn’t faze her I was pretty certain lol

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Gall bladder dysfunction/removal will also inhibit edible efficacy; I’m not sure if that’s applicable, just one more piece of info.
If the issue is somewhere in the digestive tract, sublingual application can still be highly effective, but one would need to process the plant material/concentrate into a tincture.
Some great info here if you’re interested


I decarb when I make RSO and distilling the solvent. It runs at lower temps and for a longer period of time than what you describe when using the oven to decarb your keif, but it makes some incredibly potent product! And before I tried my own RSO, I had never experienced anything from any other edibles I ate (although this was before edibles were commercially available).

So, bottom line, I don’t have experience decarbing keif in the oven, but I did do a little digging.

This is the method described and chart that seems to be most common:

Decarbing Keif or Hash

  • Preheat the oven according to the chart.
  • Sprinkle the hash or keif in a thin layer on a pyrex pie plate or ovenproof casserole dish and cover tightly with aluminum foil.
  • Place the sealed dish in the oven and bake according to the chart.
  • Remove the pan and let it cool slowly before removing the foil – allowing vapors to be reabsorbed into the cannabis.
Temperature Heating Mode Plant Heating Time Kief/Hash Heating Time Cannabis Oil
240F Oven 40 - 60 Minutes 30 - 40 Minutes

So it seems like you maxed out the suggested time for the temp you used, but that doesn’t mean it was too long. Or was it? :thinking: Did you break up the keif and spread it out in a thin layer?

In the future, you may want to consider making RSO. You’ll probably find it easier to achieve proper decarboxylation, and you can avoid having to do this:

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One thing that stands out to me, THC is oil and alcohol soluble, but not water soluble. I suspect you would get much higher with oil or alcohol involved.

Depends on the cultivar. But I usually get about 10-15% return on hash.

Check out the Dragon Breath Spray in that tincture thread. It’s very effective with similar effects to smoking. It hits in about 15 minutes and only lasts an hour or two.


Thanks for all of the great replies and ideas. I now have a few different things to consider.

For those of you that identify as heavy smokers, how would eating a 100mg pack of dispensary edibles effect you? I’m hoping I’m not one of the unlucky ones that fail to launch on edibles…hopefully it is just my technique and/or methods.

I will experiment with some alcohol or oil-based carriers next, as a few of you suggested.

Thanks again, everyone. Have a great day.

I was gonna say I thought the numbers were higher. Since I started pressing flower, I’ve had from 5% to 20% return, 20% being some sticky blueberry. 10% is avg, 20% notable… 5% also notable as in don’t waste that pressing, its strictly flower smoke here LOL…

Every time I see this thread title it makes me think of the double dutch rudder lol

Tinctures get it straight into your blood, but then you get delta-9-THC and miss the benefit of
11-hydroxy-THC but it’s better than nothing!

And could it be that the dry ice is too harsh and destroys the molecules?

I don’t get that high smoking it these days but a herb vape can get me wasted. Smoke a fatty after for the thump :grin:

I’ve never found any effect from most dispo edibles. Chocolate, gummies, uh… there was one more I tried (all using distillate). Felt nothing regardless of how much I took. I did find MCT did something, but it wasn’t comparable to smoking, and definitely wasn’t comparable to my own homemade butter.

Probably got that variation of cyp2c9 gene that doesn’t produce the liver enzymes responsible for processing cannabinoids. Not as uncommon as you’d think.