most edibles ive ever....

I’ve eaten 2000mg over 1 hour and i was laid out all night…had what i call “peace trip”


I ate what amounted to a stick of butter before hopping on a cross country flight. It was dispensary sourced so I really wasn’t expecting much, and it was going to be a long flight.

I’d downed a bourbon double and was working on the second before I realized. “Oh shit. This is real. I’m going to be that guy….”

It was a struggle but luckily I managed to find my legs and empty the cup of alcohol into a trash receptical, returned to my seat and hunkered down.

Eventually the alcohol receded and I was able to enjoy myself, but it did require sincere personal-physical-mental discipline for a bit there.


Made my own tincture. took 1.5ml as opposed to .3 that got me high. I felt like shit, not.sick, just shitty. wasn’t that high. felt like shit the entire next day.


edibles are a much nicer high than a tincture… ive had double bluberry green dragon though

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So maybe I should add that my “tincture” is mostly RSO, zero alcohol left, with just enough MCT to keep it suspended. it’s a very good high and this stuff is used to make edibles, cuz it is. Never had anything street or commercial compare.

i put an oz in a batch of brownies. I got the munchies and ended up eating about 90% of it.

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I don’t know. I didn’t like it.

i’ve had two stand out experiences with brownies i made. i think it was 2 ounces with 2-4 sticks of butter, i don’t really remember. the first time the brownie kicked in while i was in the shower and it was an interesting experience. when i got out they kicked in. it slowly moved my arm/hands and it was like they were going in super slow motion, like 1 slow movement into 20 that i could feel. like some bruce lee matrix type shit.

the other i was curled up in a ball on my floor. i knew i needed to lie down so i did. almost immediately it felt like i was falling from the sky. this lasted for like 8 hours. intense high speed falling, couldn’t feel my mattress just the falling. needless to say i stopped doing edibles. i only tried them about 10 times, all my brownies. only had a positive experience 1-2 times.


Have eaten 3 of these before in a sitting. Edibles don’t do much to me, unless after a tolerance break.

Best edible experience I had was 8 grams of honey oil and a sprinkle of hash in brownies, split between four. Two people puked, me and other buddy had a blast.


I got sick of not getting stoned due to tolerance so I ate half an ounce of hash, I greened out, passed out and woke up half way through the next day. What a waste of good hash lol.


Everyone loves my brownies…I put 11 grams of weed in each pan and all it takes is 1 cube to get you all fucked up…sometimes I take 2 cubes as long as I don’t have to work the next day…


What’s the butter to weed ratio you use? Looks good

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I followed the directions on the package and just added 11 grams of weed…btw I don’t use trimmings, I use the actual quality cured buds…


My last batch of coconut oil was using @JAWS Cherry Hi-C. Made a batch of Snickerdoodles and some Rice Crispier Bars. I’m not a leaf guy. If it’s trim, it’s very little. I just don’t take it down that tight. I prefer using the smaller buds but have used nothing but bigger bud on occasion. I just don’t keep shake around.
The missus only eats a little rice crispy bar at night. Where I’m the cookie guy, starting with one with my 1st cup. If I get it right, it’s like eating a Valium. Just takes the edge off.


I can’t give you a number but I can tell you it was too much. Like a schroom trip.