Making Edibles with Hash Question

I didnt see a edibles category so I hope I am putting this in the right place.

Up to this point I have been using Grain Alcohol to make tincture. Now that I am making hash with my trimmings can I just decarb the hash in my decarber machine and then when making something like gummies just add the decarb hash into the mix?

Grain just gets the trichs off the plant so if I have done that already with making hash why can’t i just put what I want into the recipe I am working with?

Any down side to doing it this way?

Thanks in Advance!


Sounds about right… but what decarber machine are we talking about here?

When decarbing a big dry chunk, the inside of the hash will probably not get hot enough.

Decarbing hash dry may not work very well, unless you loosen it up into powder or mix it with a little bit of coconut oil or olive oil, or both. This way the heat will be able to penetrate throughout all the hash.

I decarb always in two batches, full batch at 100 C / 212 F for 1 hr 11 mins, take out half and let the other half go on until 2 hrs 22 mins.

Then eat a little bit of each. Gives me a more balanced effect, because it creates a wider diversity of cannabinoids; THCa, THC and CBN in more equal ratios.

Decarbing everything at once at high temps mainly creates a spike of THC, which may not always create the most comfortable feeling.


Hey thanks for the reply. I use this to decarb my trim. It is made specifically for cannabis and does a really good job. Much more so than a oven. I noticed the difference when i got the machine. I only had to use 20 grams to get the effect as in using 28 grams in a oven.

10-4 on the coconut oil /fatty oil.

I’ll come back once I do it and let everyone know what the results were.

THanks again!

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Press the hash into rosin decarb rosin then make edibles with it


If you press rosin, isn’t it already decarbed at that point, due to the heat application? I wouldn’t think you’d need to do it again


I’m with Jetdro on that.
There’s some ‘extraneous debris’ (like skin of the trich. heads, trich. stocks etc.) in the hash.
I’m sure it’s mostly cosmetic, but you probably don’t want them.



No you must decarb it…150 F for 48 hours in sealed container does the trick, DOES NOT lose its terpene’s flavor at that heat/time …ask me how i know :sunglasses:


I trust you! I am not deeply educated on the subject of concentrates.
Can you (or anybody) speak to that on a more technical note? Is the heat from the rosin press just not applied long enough to decarb?
@JoeCrowe if you have some notes, I’m in concentrate learning mode these days!


Cannot NSWER THAT ONE…I decarb BECAUSE i tunr the Rosin into carts. The decarb cleans it up a huge amount, also lowers it consistency to a usable product.


Gotcha! I’ve seen @ReikoX decarbs rosin for his carts too.
I smoke so much flower that I’m considering hash/rosin making just to help save my lungs a bit.
Time to do a deep dive into canna chemistry I guess!


How do you then ingest it?
Smoking or eating?


i do not do edibles…i smoke it …go see my last thread made some in it all explained


After you press the trichomes into rosin in a rosin press you then take the rosin and place it in a silicone lined decarb capsule and put back in the press for an hour or so at @200 degrees

The rosin now is activated and can be mixed into anything oil based such as olive oil which has many uses and into sugar/gelatin base for making gummies

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Interesting! I’ve seen “contaminants” in ice water hash browsing JoeCrowes hash threads, but I was under the (apparently mistaken!) Impression that the rosin bag helped remove most of it.
I have much to learn… luckily I’m surrounded by a shitload of weed Yodas.


Removes lipids and fats


You can just mix the hash or rosin straight into the edibles and bake your product in the oven. I’m not worried about eating plant fats and waxes, but I am worried about vaping them into my lungs. IF you prefer ultimate purity, make some THCa crystals in the rosin press. I would go on record as saying it’s not as satisfying, but in edibles who knows. Not like your eating it for the terpenes.


Yes, rosin is usually only on the plates for a couple minutes. Decarbing takes about an hour.


I love this forum.


I love this forum too! This one has really piqued my interest.


The best and most potent way I have made hash brownies is …
Literally the day I make hash …
After you rinse out your hash in the bubble bag just take a scoop ot two of wet hash and plop it in the brownie mix …
100% will do the job