Immune to edibles

I have heard others say that some people are immune to eatables. Has anyone heard of this? I really think that I am. I have never experienced what others around me have.


100% with you there… Lady prefers them to smoking and loves them… I can never feel them in any capacity…


I made some 150 MG muffins that wiped out my entire cottage full of people, I have a hard time thinking that would not effect you somehow. That said every human being is an individual so I suppose it’s possible. I am certainly no expert on body chemistry.


Until I started making RSO for my brother, I never got even the slightest buzz from anything I’d ever eaten. But…hoo boy, that changed when I was nibbling on the stringy pieces that hung down from the spatula when I was stirring up the heated / finished product. Over about 45 minutes to an hour, I must have licked the oil that was stringing off the spatula about 20 times. I have no idea how much I consumed, but I had never and have still never been so high in my life. I was uncomfortably high, which sounds like an oxymoron!


Yeah maybe its just extreme tolerance. I guess I will have to try harder.


Have you made hash oil or RSO - and properly decarboxylated it?

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No, I will have to look into it. After July when the laws change in my state I will have plenty to experiment with.


Nobody is immune to properly made edibles. Nobody.

Eat 150mg of decarbed THC and be immune… probably immune to COVID-19 and anthrax too.


I don’t know I might be like Joey Diaz with those stars of death. Im going to look in to that though I hope your right.


He isn’t immune, he’s absolutely destroyed, he’s just used to it. It’s like being able to function on acid. Doesn’t mean it isn’t working, it just means you know the stars aren’t really made of jello and the sidewalk isn’t really wiggling around.


My neighbors melted almost a pound of an out door into butter. I don’t know if it was moldy, or baked to make it CBD heavy. I took a melted shot glass worth ( submerged the shot glass a bit, in a pot with hot water.) a shot of hot sauce. I got fucked. In a way, I haven’t since high school. and even with the determined binge smoking, we did that buzzed was rare then. But anything store-bought, or well from a store and given to me, was Mello if anything at all.


I just wrote this in another thread:

A couple of years ago I had 25 grams of Black Afghan hash that I mixed with some olive oil and heated for 3 hours at 100 Celsius. There were tiny little bubbles coming up, changing very fast between red and green hues, it was fascinating to watch.

I ate a little bit every day, before a meal (when eating after food it gets delayed and then it hits you all at once, or it greatly reduces potency, depending on what you ate), the size of half a pea was enough for me, and sometimes even too much.

Four months later I was a completely different person, reborn. The 25 grams lasted me almost a year.

Now trying different indicas and indica dominant strains. Will be experimenting with drying, grinding, dry cooking and mixing strains to get more diverse terpenes together in one jar of decarbed powder,
eating half a teaspoon or so at a time.

When smoking it, you’re destroying a large chunk of it from the excessive temperatures and you get delta-9-THC going straight into your blood along with a bunch of carcinogens.

When you eat it, decarbed, the delta-9-THC has to pass through your liver first, and your liver recognizes its potential and enhances it, creating a more complex molecule called 11-hydroxy-THC.
That’s where the real healing power lies and is why RSO (Rick Simpson Oil) is so effective.

Also AFAIK on drug tests they look for delta-9-THC, but not 11-hydroxy-THC. :wink:

When you smoke, some of the delta-9-THC also gets converted but not nearly as much.

Note, it doesn’t work when drinking alcohol, your liver prioritizes breaking down poison. Another good reason to quit, and saves a lot of money. I live in a country with amazing beers but I don’t miss any of it. It’s real easy not to drink when eating cannabis. Now, even after drinking only half a glass I get severe anxiety.

Furthermore, it takes meditation to a whole new unfathomable level. If you want to heal then I highly recommend meditation. “Show me what I need to know,” then take deep breaths and linger at the end of your exhalations, there you will find the source of all life. If you’re ready.


Hi dude.

Does your liver function properly? Any known liver condition in your family? In edibles the THC (in order to get it to work you need to da a decarboxylase of THC-A to THC otherwise it won’t be as effective) is absorbed and synthesized by your liver hence the liver problem question.

So in effect :

A- do you have any liver condition?
B- do you decarb your plant, hash etc prior to baking
C- do you use any kind of binder/ emulsifier?
D- do you take edibles on an empty stomach?
E- do you smoke frequently?

All the above can interfere with your edibles experience.


Good point, I was just thinking about the liver thing hopefully its one of the other causes.


This guy explains it very well, skip to 11:15


I think a lot of people bake edibles too hot and evaporate off a lot of the thc. It takes some culinary practice to find that sweet spot. I think something around 300F for 10 minutes is usually pretty good. Very noticeable declines if you do the same thing at 350.


Hey we are talking about @toastyjakes! It’s not hard to believe he doesn’t get off to edibles! That boy has 57 different herbs and spices on board at any given time. :joy::joy:




My oven goes up and down a lot. I top out at 280 for the baking. Average sized cookies take ~18 minutes. The stuff I make for my family is about 3.5 grams rosin/diamonds per stick of butter, it puts them out. The stuff I make for myself is about 10 grams rosin/diamonds per stick of butter, for pain relief. I tend to leave or add additional un-decarbed material to increase the chance of a full entourage effect with acid and freed forms.

I don’t get “high” from them – but I get the benefits from them still. I don’t know the mg of what I make. They really make the dabs pop.


Edibles do nothing for me. From homemade, to the store bought chips and candies to brownies. Nada.


I’m also unaffected by them. I remember as a kid enjoying them. But I’ve recently tried eating 120mg and had no affect. No known liver issues here. Possibly tolerance, but I figured 12 pieces would do the trick. 🤷