HELP!... Had a healthy Auto stumped!?

That’s what I’m gonna do for the next one I’m on my 4th Auto grow and it’s definitely a different type of animal LoL but I seriously am starting to like them for sure but photos will always be great auto’s are getting a lot better than they used to be IMO so I have a night owl pack pre 98 Episode 1

I’m trying out next I’ve grown up Skywalker from Mephisto already and LOVED it but I’ll get it down thanks for the heads up and I have transplanted everyone so far so I’m interested to see


Is it better to let Auto’s soil get dry and not like dropping but wait till it’s light to the touch to water instead of keeping it damp and I have been told that the fabric pots would also be a good idea for better air flow to the roots!?


Water not too much and not too little. :smile:

Imagine whatever you would like if you were a plant.

IMO-- mix up some of the soil you used plus some pearlite… 3 parts soil to 1 part pearlite… you can always put pea gravel and pearlite in th bottom inch of the pot 1st if you aren’t gettinggood drainage…

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planter should seem very light weight-- and the leaves not ‘drooping’ but almost starting to…

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The droop does seem weird. It didn’t look too rootbound either.
Every once in a while an auto will just stall out at week 3 , and you’ll just get a tiny little plant with one big fat cola.
It happens sometimes even if you’ve done everything right.
autos are weird sometimes.


I’ve also added small pieces of lava rocks at the bottom to keep drainage better hopefully and that’s crazy@firehead but I have seen it because I was completely crushing it and plop so It’s just part of growing but I will have to give it til tomorrow and see if there’s any improvement but it’s picked up some already so hopefully it’ll give me a chunky cola and I will probably start a new one and put it in the grow room to finish up and start fresh in the phototron but gotta let her have a chance LoL

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Plant looks like it’s trying. Autos don’t mind being trimmed it’s just got to be selective. Perilite is the best way to make soil drain better and increase airflow. Also I found that lifting the pot about 1-2 inches off the overflow catch that will help your lower dirt dry faster also help increase air flow from bottom of pots. Also more O2 to the roots. I noticed a big difference. I used shotglass that seemed to help. Next stop airpots for me for those exact reasons.


Even photoperiods can turn out little, it’s all life and alive and every plant is unique.