Help identify unknown issue, first time grower.

Hi there, first timer here. Planted 2 auto seeds about 10 days ago. Both at a same time, however they are different strains. The one tree posted here is about half of the size of the other one and has some funny coloring and shapes in direct comparison to the other, which looks amazing healthy.

Any tips greatly apreciated.


I don’t know if it could be Tobacco Mosaic Virus … icon_e_confused|nullxnull


or most probably Hop Latent Virus Disease (HLVD) … :see_no_evil:


Or maybe it’s just variegation, and not a sign of a disease at all. It happens all the time without being a sign of anything. Variegated plants do tend to grow a little slower than normal plants because they have less chlorophyll, but that’s typically all that’s wrong with them. It can accompany some plant diseases, but I think the whole “variegation = disease” idea is way overblown.


Seedling can be a bit funky early on, decent chance she grows out of it.
Sorry to disagree George, but I know of nobody that has ever seen a positive test for TMV on cannabis. It’s kind of a boogey man. HLV on the other hand is everywhere, but the infected plants I have seen at least never show this kind of look, it’s usually the scoliosis stem, crossed leaf blades etc.


My money is on variegation. I make no promises, but a little more magnesium might go a long way towards clearing it up. Alot of people have used it on their variegated chems with great success.


My money on either it’s a runt
Or a bad soil mix.


My guess is TMV, back when I used to smoke cigarettes I’d get these markings all the time.

Do you smoke cigarettes man?


No need to be sorry, I just think that being a stunted auto there’s no need to take risks in case of being a virus that could be spread to the rest, I would cull it and start another, but that’s me. I will never be in possession of the truth, just expose possibilities and let the OP choose from all … beer3|nullxnull


Thanks to all the good people for the replays.

Dont smoke. Nobody in the household does.
Soil mix isnt an issue also since the second plant looks very happy.

Im gonna separate the funny looking one from the other and wait a bit before discarding.
I hope you all have a great evening

This whole ‘it’s verigated so its hlvd’ thing is getting ridiculous.


Same soil, same conditions, same everything ?
Leaves only the option that’s not the same - the seed.

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Yup, just spread it around, who cares? icon_eek|nullxnull

A Novel, Precise and High-Throughput Technology for Viroid Detection in Cannabis (MFDetectTM) - PMC.


Verigated does not mean hlvd. Someone said something about a cut I hold, I got it tested, sure enough, no hlvd. Verigation CAN be a sign of it, but more often than not it’s just a verigated plant. HLVD is an issue, but it’s not nearly as prevalent as people make it out to be.


I’d just let it grow and give it a few days to decide what to do. No way that’s a virus. If you paid good money for the seed, don’t toss it.


I have seen several pics of variegated plants, but that pattern doesn’t look like one. As it’s been said, the lack of chlorophyll will mean less production even if it is just variegation, perhaps OP can grow it and post pics later on, as you said, only an analysis could determine wether it’s a virus or not so now it is just taking risks growing a stunted auto that may contamine the rest or just have a poor harvest if only variegated, one never knows …

How can you be so sure? icon_e_confused|nullxnull

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It’ll grow out of it. I often see my seedlings looking like that.

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It looks like a mutant to me, I wonder if it has OGKB somewhere in it’s lineage. Here’s a mutant Peanut Butter Dream I currently have. It’s grown out of it, and a mutant because of the OG KB in its lineage.

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Then let’s grow it crazy0to, hope the OP will keep us posted … beer3|nullxnull


I feel sure because that’s his first two seeds ever. It’s a safe bet anyway, with two plants in the tent and nothing being cloned. If I’m wrong (like that’s never happened) and it doesn’t start doing well, it can still be culled.

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I originally wanted to cull these. They grew like shit first few weeks
I held off and ended up with these.

It’s a plant. Let it do its thing.