Help is this normal?

Okay for some reason It wasnt saving an edited comment so here’s another one. Invest $15 in a jeweler loupe so you can clearly see trichromes. Everything like day counting and stuff is just a guide and rough estimate of time but the trichromes never lie

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No that should be fine. Looks like they’re ripening up nicely, should be any day now. Personally if I see a bit of amber trichs and mostly cloudy I’m happy with the ripeness. Keep in mind they do seem to ripen a bit as they dry also.


No like @Foreigner said worry less about the foxtailing. The taste is fine the potency will still be there.


THANKS Yes it does

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Oh and just wanted to add…I think your plants look great btw. Was this your first time or have you been learning for a while?

I dont mind a little foxtail here and there but I would prefer not to have any. Sometimes genetics sometimes lighting

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I don’t know if foxtailing is the same as what is called a flush by some, but it’s something to be aware of. My cousin said bubba kush will look finished, and then 2 weeks later will bud more, or “flush” as he says. If weather and nutrients are right, it can happen 3 times with Bubba Kush, leading to massive yields. Each time looking finished, with another massive round of flower production each time after a week or two. I wouldn’t recommend trying this unless you can afford to possibly lower the quality of your bud, as I did when waiting to see if Panama would re-flower, or flush. Which it did not, and it turned out to be over ripe. Great job btw, the plants look great! Full-sized clear resin glands will give you the cleanest high. With proper timing, an indica taken early( clear)can have an “up” high, and a sativa taken late ( amber)can have a stony effect. So, no matter what you are growing, you can harvest for the effect you like, to an extent at least. I myself like them just as in your last picture. As soon as the plants’ resin loses that sparkle, they have just turned cloudy, and many consider this the prime pick, including myself.edit…the last few years, I see a movement toward amber resin glands. Perhaps why this younger generation is getting so lazy.


Where’s all the leaves

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Good tip! I never thought of that. I knew seeds would continue to ripen, but never thought about resin glands doing that. Thanks!


That’s a good point, I kinda though the plant looked already trimmed. once all the leaves are gone, there not much left to grow from.