Help lowering soil PH and identifying deficiencies

Hello, I am coming here for help since I haven’t quite solved my issue with - what I assume is high PH in my soil, leading to lockout of N and maybe some other trace elements.

•I am on day 21 of flower.
•In 5 gal fabric pots with soil (fox farm ocean forest and happy frog mix with added perlite)
•My soil runoff was pretty high - about 6.6 after flushing with 5.8 ph water. So I think it’s over 7.
•Main issues are yellowing new growth - see pics you can see some decent green lower on the plant but the new growth just can’t quite get on track, seems like stunted bud growth, purple tops of stems (green on the underside but purple where they are exposed to light. Maybe a non issue but looks pretty purple)
•flora series trio nute regimen. 4ml/gal floramicro, 2ml/gal floragro and 5ml/gal florabloom on a water, water, feed schedule

I have been noticing this issue basically since flipping to flower. It’s affecting one plant more considerably than the others.

At this point I am just trying to understand what I can do to resolve the high ph. Its too late to add lime into my soil and mix it all in…
Will simply flushing with water eventually lower it? Because I’ve been watering with tap water that’s been sitting for 24hrs to remove chlorine, PH’d at about 5.8 to try and lower it, and it seems to work for a day but just never really comes down permanently. I usually water every 48 hrs, so it’s a constant battle of lowering it and watching it climb again.

Thanks for the help, really missing out on a decent yield since this is when I need to really maximize bud production.


They are starving. That nutrient regimine is for a feed feed feed schedule. Drop the grow back down to 1ml/gal and feed every time. Also feed until about 10% runoff, this will flush out any salts that may build up. Keep your pH.


I am using the drain to waste (soil with perlite) early flowering program from

So you’re saying I should feed 1ml/gal of each - every watering - until things progress or until the end of the grow?

I am also noticing a very slight leaf tip burn on the other plants, which are using the same nute schedule, so I am not sure if they are starving?

That says

You said

Was the 2ml/gal floragrow a typo? Or did you up it because they looked light green? I suggested dropping the grow to 1ml/gal like the guide says. I should have said floragrow instead of grow to avoid confusion.

The pictures you showed me are starving plants. If it were my plant I would feed it more.

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ah, my mistake lol.

That was not a typo - I did up it.

I will drop it next time, and include some more bloom per the guide but I am still pretty sure it’s related to PH as the runoff is not nearly as high on the other plants which look much better.

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Here’s my feeding schedule:
Micro: 4 ml/gal
Gro: 2 ml/gal
Bloom: 5 ml/gal

Here’s the recommended (medium feeding) schedule via
Micro: 5.3
Gro: 5.3
Bloom: 7.6

So I am feeding slightly less, except for the gro which I am under a half dose. I can feed tomorrow and see if it does anything,

In case it doesn’t, does anyone know a way I can lower the soil PH to ensure it’s within a range that can uptake the nutrients?