Plants Problem

I have been having trouble since i switched to the GH flora base nute line up. I have never had this problem before with other products so I email the GH company and they told me that i was probably over feeding to do a flush then redose at a lower dose. Which i did. And it got worse. Before i do anything crazy i was thinking i should post here and see what you all thought.

Potting soil.
Ph of water/feeding is always 6-6.5.
Rh is inbetween 50 - 65%
Temp is 28°
This is a picture without the lights on. You can see the problems better.


What was the pH of your runoff when you started the flush, and what was it when you finished? Also, what’s in your soil?

You think it is a ph problem? Its just a potting mix for vegetables. Im going to be doing anouther flush today i will test the run off.

pH is often the root of issues (no pun meant). If your pH is off by enough, there’s very little else you can do that will substantially help to correct whatever the visible issues are.

Be sure the water you flush with is adjusted to the target pH you want, and keep flushing until your runoff is very near that target.

BTW - a “potting mix for vegetables” almost always has fast and slow release fertilizers in it, so it’s possible that you have more than one issue going on. If the pH is off by enough, you might have a nute lockout, so your plants aren’t getting enough nitrogen, even though you might be giving them more than they need.


I agree ^^^^, if pH is out of range plants cannot assimilate nutrients, they look hungry to me … :roll_eyes:

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Probably was a ph issue. 7.2 was the first run off test.