Help me Build some Soil

I don’t use any, and everything grows fine.

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Thanks @Kushking902

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Yeah someone told me I shouldn’t use that much outside in buckets.

You can instead invest in nitrogen fixing covercrop seeds like vetch, clover, alfalfa, buckwheat, etc. then you won’t need to buy any new soil. You’ll be adding nitrogen to your soil and on top of that hold moisture, improve drainage and create new soil without any real effort besides the chopping.

Chop and drop half of the covercrop when it starts flowering and let the rest go to seed and let it return to the soil, next year it will rise again on its own.

You can do the same with your cannabis, harvest only half and let the rest enrich the soil.
No better fertilizer for cannabis than dead cannabis. :+1:

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Hey @AzSeaindooin420. For the Dr. Earth Home Grown Vegetables & Herb fert. It says to use 1/4 cups for 1/2 cf of soil for growing in containers. Is this something you would agree with? Should I add more or less?
At the moment as far as nutrition goes I only have 1 CF Leafgro compost and Black Kow manure because I’m short on funds. I figured I could always add more nutes to the mix come flower.

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You must be looking on the established plants side

I go with 1 cup per 10 gallon and been working great