Very first grow log!

Dear friends…today is a banner day!
I have been piecing together all elements of a grow tent, doing lots of reading in an effort to prepare and create a plan for my first real grow…looking at all the amazing grow logs here to get inspired. Today is the DAY!!
The final and most crucial piece of the puzzle has arrived in today’s mail :grin:
Huge thanks to @blendmedmedman :+1:

Today’s mood: WOOHOO!!!


very nice. enjoy the ride for sure.


Looking forward to seeing your plant take off :tada:

 Looking forward to learning. I'll be over here out of the way haha

What are you starting off the show with?


Cool welcome to OG


Ok…I am not super tech savvy. Did the picture in my first post show up?
I plan on uploading plenty of pics as my grow progresses…want to make sure I am doing it correctly :crazy_face:
Thanks! :grin:


Good look with the grow,I wish I had of known about overgrow my first grow :smile:

Don’t be afraid to ask for help hope you have more than 2 seeds,what you growing autos or photos


No it didn’t, you have to wait until its fully loaded before hitting post!

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Ok, I figured out my picture issue…fixed the first post :+1:
Seeds are still resting comfortably in their wet paper towel, no sprout yet.
But I picked up my soil today. My local garden center carries “420 blend” :flushed:
I guess that must say something about my area…
So, I went for “Edna’s blend”…made by the same company and looks to be basically the same stuff. Should get me started, anyway.
Would love some input on what is good/better/best?
Also is there an easy reference for a feeding schedule? What to feed with at which stage of growth?

Thanks! :grin:


Welcome to OG Greenacarina, you’ve come to the right place for growing advice.
As for a feeding you have to decide how you want to go, organic or salt based nutes.


What are the seeds?

Enjoy the new addiction of seeds/growing. :slight_smile:


looks good, what size pots are you going to use?? first grows are always good, and its good your here cause everyone will help

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Figured I would start my seedlings in some solo cups and move up to some 2 gallon pots.


Probably whatever I can get “off the shelf”, at least to start out. I would like to use stuff that isn’t too chemical’y if possible.
Eventually would love to move into full organic… which will be a real learning curve for me, but that’s half the fun!



Start with just feeding water. But not too much. Seedlings really don’t need much.
When in doubt = LITFA (Leave It The Fuck Alone)

You can go for a walk in nature with an empty bag and gather tree leaves, dandelion leaves, nettles, thistle, grass… all this contains huge amounts of minerals. Cut it all up real small and mix with your soil. Or topdress with it. Kitchenscraps are great too. That’s enough to begin with, while you learn more about no-till and permaculture, regenerative agriculture, etc.

A bag of vetch beans is good to have too, plant one per cannabis plant and when the vetch starts flowering you chop it down and topdress with it.

I like to keep it simple, I’ve noticed that topdressing, covercrops and water suffice.
Anyone claiming otherwise is selling something.


how will you sprout your delicious treats?

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One of my seeds is starting to sprout!

And here is a pic of my tent. Currently has a t5 grow light, which I will switch out for an led vipar spectra light, have my filter and vent fan set up, little clip on fan for air movement, thermometer/hygrometer to keep an eye on conditions. Have a dehumidifier for the room as well as a space heater.


Almost forgot to mention…these are Holy Surfer Super Skunk x Eagle Bill.
There were 3, but one has escaped to my living room floor :roll_eyes:
The search continues…


Wrap a sock over the nozzle of your hoover, fasten with a rubber band twisted a few times.
Then hoover living room floor and see what sticks to the sock barrier.
Might find a few other things you forgot about too.


keep you tent door shut so you can build up good conditions inside the tent, keep an eye on humidity and over watering. , once you see those tails put them in the dirt, sit back because it is nature so let things happen. and dont worry so much on that one in the carpet, im sure after this you will get more.