Help me pick a seed run!

I want to do a seed run. It isn’t going to be as well done as MOTR, GH, Sebring, etc. I mostly grow outdoors but have a small light tent. This will have both THC and CBD plants. I’m thinking of adding sundance kid (sunset sherbert x stardawg). Its supposed to be a fairly easy to grow although needing trellising or support. Anyone grown this strain yet? I have a few cbd plants to add but they are developing crosses from last years greenhouse.


Haven’t grown anything with stardawg yet, but everyone raves about it. What kind of CBD strains are you working with? They sure are popular now!

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The mother is a High Alpine Genetics Mandarin pie (t1 x rhubarb) the father is either another rhubarb or cherry pie cobbler (which was told to me was a strong cbd plant, but I’m not positive)


I’d like to get a couple more packs of high CBD seeds but right now cash is pretty low. waiting to hear if I get a paycheck this week. Fingers crossed and praying for a good check!


Cool, sounds like a very different type of strain. Sweet name too haha


@MomOnTheRun sorry mom i kow you’re busy but we have another volunteer. :wink:



No worries…not so much being busy just emotionally spent :wink: Thank you for the alert so I see it right away :stuck_out_tongue:

Sweet! I almost picked up a pack of these when I was ordering though Raindance won me over in the long run.

Most Stardawg crosses seem to be this way though I haven’t personally grown this strain (yet) I have seen a few grow journals where they were the stars of the show

If and when your ready to do a seed run to preserve go ahead and start a grow journal then once I see it, i’ll edit the 1st post and make it a wiki and we’ll go from there :wink:


Wedding Cake or Animal Crackers…oor Garlic Cookies. :fire:


@Baltimore I don’t have seeds for any of those. I’m in oregon. you are welcome to send me a wedding cake :slight_smile:


Oh I’m sorry. I was thinking the best strains off the rip of my head if I could smoke right now. I might have something to grow. Unfortunately I have a ton of 3s and single. The only packs I have are autos or seed runs wish I would gladly donate. I’d love a Wedding Cake seed run. Lol. When I get a pack you’ll know. I’d deffinitely run it for us all. :call_me_hand:


I recently had a bag of stardawg x gg4 and it really was exceptional it took the gg4 to a new height while still retaining the gg4 style of trics. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since just how much better it was than the gg4 by itself.


well, I started 6 sundance kids! it will be fun to see how they do with my limited location. I’m going to work on tenting my space with panda film this week. After seeing how people hang so much on the frame I’m not sure my PVC will work unless I glue it all together , which I was trying to avoid.


some bad news, had only 2 seeds sprout and live out of 4… I tossed the rest of the pack in the water today to sprout.


@Danonly while I don’t have any CBD seeds if you need sum photoperiods to grow out for your meds I can send you sum just pm me

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@TheShowMeHomie thanks, I have more seeds than I can start, I need to grow grow overgrow!! you’ll have to give me proper grow tips to keep me going.

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OK, hope this works. So I have the two original sundance kids and then each cup besides that has 3. They are all sprouting so I should have 8 total. I’ve been dribbling a small amount of beneficial microbes on the soil. In a few days I’ll transplant the littles into their own cups. I may* also have 3 in a cup of city slicker as well (gelato x stardawg)…

somewhat random photo of where i Get some soil… my tree fenceline