Help narrowing down problem w/ first time grow

Lmao @oranje. Right on with @lotus710 haha luvu guys!


Well, I’ve moved 4 of my plants over to bubbler buckets and I am going to probably go that route now. Moved the rest of the soil plants outside until I decide what to do with them. If these don’t make it ill probably have to start over from seeds or clone whatever survives.

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Good luck! I got my fingers crossed for you.


got my fingers crossed too. one time. i bought everything for a dwc bucket. started taping it up. was like… fuck this shit and went notillXD lmfao

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When they are young just use flouresent grow lites for seedlings and clones. 2 weeks . i used same soil with no probs. Luv ed fox farms. But i did a whole dif level of hydro. Dwc. Worth learning and switching to before u get to much $ tied in what u got now. Lights to close (not florecents) and too much ferts burn leaves, stunt growth. Make sure water drains from pot . no standing water leaves breath what we exhale but roots need oxygen To breath. I cloned in fish tanks with no ferts or soil for2 weeks under floresents. Styrofoam cups with grow rocks. Went from cutings to allmost 2 foot plants with roots that looked like mop heads. Bubble the water. Be the king!. Then 2 wks 24 hrs blue bubbleing.then 8 wks bubbleing under 2 red 1 blue. Tops only. Learn pruning. Colas fat as my leg rock hard wieghing 4 oz’ s up. Used to be called sea of green. Don’t. Know what ya’ll call it now. Maybe i never run out cause it’s. Harvest time every 2 weeks!:dizzy_face::v:

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After some trial and error with nute calculations and other things… all of the plants are a lot happier. The ones I put outside are tall but no more burn. The ones in DWC are getting bushy and finally accumulating roots in the water.

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Anyone know if this is a male? I can’t tell if these are pollen sacs or something else.

I know i am, will never again buy nuts from the store, maybe just maybe a bloom booster for the las three or two weeks, but yea man, listen to @lotus710.

Deifinitely a male. Sorry.

This doesnt make senseXD why make nutes. Then go buy some garbage for bloomXD just take over ripe fruits and ferment them for a finisher.

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I dunno, because i told the guy at the store to order it for me… JAJAJAJA! Do you even need a booster if you’re doing KNF?

KNF has booster somehow…!?

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Not to continue to derail this topic, but…

Unless it’s a friendly organic “booster” of some kind, you’ll probably be killing off the microbes keeping your plants happy/alive. It’s like having free-range, hormone/antibiotic-free livestock only to pump them full of steroids to slaughter them.

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Got it thanks. WHy do KNF just to kill all the good in there with chemicals… Got it!

Thought so… fu…n. Thanks.

This booster you speak of are just nutrients. If your soil has the nutrients it needs why use boosters?

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@lotus710 do you worry about ph, i mean do you even measure such a thing?

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Nah my soil takes care of that for me. If its too high itll be lowered. If its too low itll be raised. I love nature dont you? I measured ph once. For my fish tankXD

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But how do you accomplish that?

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By having a healthy living soil


For my second harvest will definitely do this! @lotus you are the man!

Or could this be Mangoes? I got a million mangoes around me, very ripe, could make a ferment of those for blooming.

Has any of this been helpful @irrgro? We all tend to deviate form the original course, apologies.

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