Help Understanding Yield Calculations on Seed Bank Sites

Yeah. I watched Canada legalize and it was good for some over a short period. Everyone scrambled to get in the door. Now $15 grams can be had for $4 due to the shear volume of product available and the black market still owns much of the space since some have better product. It’s definitely a tough road to hoe.


Thank you so much Doug! That is exactly the kind of information I needed to know to do this right. I have to remember there is more to it than maximizing profit. It the end product is not a top quality product then the profit isn’t worth it for me. So I have to set up a 4 pot test bed and see what it actually produces per square meter and use that for my projections and if that doesn’t makes sense from a business perspective so be it. Quality matters and there are more benefits to this than just making a profit. One of my primary drivers is going from a 6 flowering plant limit to a 250 plant limit but just because I can doesn’t mean I should. More research is required. Again, thank you Doug. Very helpful.

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Consider McDonalds :hamburger: :fries: and their quality vs. profit. :sweat_smile: jus sayin


@marksaxton hey dude what part of Missouri ard you from? Also most the people I know in St. Louis that are producing on scale are running a coco system on drippers. If you run a full blown hydro set up at scale I would assume with the prices out here between lighting bill and water bill your profits would be upside down.

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