Help! What to do with all this weed

I can’t believe no one’s tagged @THCeed for this 1st world grow problem.
He can help I’m sure


I’m taken a page from your book and just stripping the calyx.and seeds off with my fingers into a cardboard box then into a plastic bag.
I got all the pearl stem phenos washed and hung up
I put the dwarf separate and left some of her limbs on for a longer ripening as she was racy
I.was surprised to find one giantess plant had a hollow I’m hoping her special
The big.mama #9 is all cut and processed. She was the foxtail type with extra height and a good.long high


I have several quarts of tincture I made last year. I’m pretty sure it’s time decarbed by now.
I can slowly let it evaporate down to oil.
I would love a pollen tumbler.
I can ask a friend to loan me a bubble hash maker and process the dancehal and pineapple thai…
@DainIronFoot right?


I’m in Tulsa with a lot of experience making Bubblehash. I would process it for you if you let me keep a little for my work.,.,


I’d make a grip of rso with it


Yea I need to make RSO.

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Dope video, thank you for the share. Now I can make some carts in Colombia with the shitty heat press I have down there. Way better than smoking the brick weed I find, that’s for sure.


I’ve learned from a couple years of consecutive lucky harvests that if you haven’t smoked or given away what you’ve got by the next harvest, compost/ferment what you have and focus on smoking more/giving more away for the current harvest. There will always be more and as much as I like long cured cannabis, the fresh takes priority and gets the jar space.


I would let it all get dry as can be, crumble/crush it all up, decarb 1/3rd for 1 hr 11 mins and 2/3rd for 2 hr 22 mins at 100C/212F, in the oven, or in a big pot that is floating on top of a slightly bigger pot with slightly boiling water.

This way it’s all sterilized and no chance of getting mold.

Eat 1/3rd of a teaspoon of the 111 batch and 2/3rds of a teaspoon of the 222 batch.
Or sprinkle onto food whenever.

No need for expensive ethanol or special equipment, very little work.

This way you get broad spectrum cannabinoids, a mix of THCa, THC and CBN, as opposed to just THC.

It’s also slow release because the fiber remains included, so you’ll be groovy all day.
Doesn’t produce such a big spike like tincture or RSO, it’s a slightly more functional and balanced effect, unless you eat a lot of it. :smile:


What about rice cooker RSO? It’s super stable if you do it right and can be fridged for a while


I second the bubble hash. For me dry sift was more work, more time but my bubble hash came out good.

If you have the space get the bigger bags and do it in trash cans, that way you can do larger batches.

If ice is a concern, throw a couple ounces to a busser or bar back at the local restaurant and tell him you need a few coolers full of ice as a trade.

Most restaurants have larger ice makers than they need…

Also - roll huge blunts and give them away. People always love a huge blunt - it’s a great gift and great way to get rid of your second shelf stash.


Hash for sure. No one wants to buy bulk tincture.

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We make hash, hash oil, tinctures and edibles the rest we give away to the less fortunate…of course we keep some of it…we never sell it…pot, seeds and clones should always be free…I’ve always said that since I was a teen nowadays I can make it happen…


Christmas came early I see; nice trees @PhilCuisine !


I need to make some topical creams for our aches and pains…so i.will start with rso then switch to bubble hash when I have enough rso.


buy a deep freezer and vacume seal them until your able to run them for hash or oil ?

or there are labs in your area that you can pay to process your stuff into oil or co2 maybe even rosin. not sure what it costs but i saw someone on instagram from oklahoma doing it


Where do you live again? Any neighboring property for sale? :rofl: Great attitude, beautiful plants!


Great idea for Oaxaca. Dry sift, Pakistani Style, after the cold hits. That’s on my bucket list now. A 12 foot Old Silversides tree made into dry sift. :yum::heart_eyes::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:


Been there, doing that.
I accumulate a relatively good amount of weed. I make bubblehash to condense the product. This I make by rough trimming the fans from outdoor plants wet and freezing.
Buds harvested earlier this year sitting in jars will be decarbed, finely ground and used in cooking/baking or just taken by the tsp (or less). Loafs of sweet bread (banana, zucchini, pumpkin etc. or box mix) get 10gm/loaf and will provide 12 slices. The present batch is eaten by the half slice by most everyone. Though not everyone tolerates edibles, those who do love and appreciate the bread gifts.


I bought one of these to help make my bubble hash.

Along with 20 gal. bags, it goes pretty fast now.

All your good beans will float in the water.