Help with late flower

I`ve been flushing my plants for the last couple of weeks but now I think I got one more week (was following the breeder estimative of 60 days). Should I give them some food or do I continue flushing ? Last runoff was like 250ppm.

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Got any pictures? If in the end I would continue flushing or regular feed of plain water. If your past the breeder estimate. Now its up yo you on the harvest time. Hope that helps a bit bud.


Agreed. Just finish it out.


I will get some pics tomorrow when they`re awake, they actually still look good, fading but good.

Thanks for the advice.

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So here’s some promised pics:

this one is G13 Blue Cindy

and this is GSC not sure by whom

and finally this one is Green Crack 2.0 by Humboldt Seed co

Day 60


Damn bro looking at your day 60 is making me jealous lol. I COOKED my plants with a tea a few weeks ago and they are fizzling out bad, buds should still be pretty decent but all my leaves are burnt or gone.


a fuckin tea ouch.


Yea i fucked up super bad underfed plants, shit went lime green then i od’d them


thanks bro.

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Sorry i didnt have any real advice or answer your question. If i were you i would run plain water but i also am not in the position to give advice😂

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In my opinion they look great! Just give them plain water until harvest. They’ll take anything they need from their leaves.


maybe try to look at trichs or use the hairs to gauge the readiness. when they look about 50% cloudy and most of the hairs are red, you can stop feeding if you want. i am not sure you need multiple weeks of pure water to get the effect you are after. i did a 14 days pure water, and i got some hungry plants. these were on clones i knew when to harvest too…so, i didn’t overestimate.

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Yeah I should’ve look at the trics a couple of weeks ago, but i’m lazy and thought to follow breeder`s estimate. Still I guess no worries, i’m planning on harvesting the blue cindy on sunday, checked her trics yesterday and looks all cloudy with just a few ambers. The other two will get one more week.

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Will do, thanks.