Last couple of weeks of flower, and a few random questions

Hi all! Here’s a short clip of my two Cheese plants starting Week 6 of flower. Apologies for the HPS coloration. Both are in 5 gallons (note to self: do 3 gallon containers next time, so I can get the pots closer to each other under one light).

I tried scrogging and lollipopping more this time, but I wasn’t comfortable with the next so I cut it off.

I took 18 inch garden stakes and separated each cola sort of and tried each one into a better position. The idea was for me to level them out and give them lots of space.

1000W HPS is a LOT of light, but temps are being maintained at 78. Humidity now under 45 - 50.

Shadows have actually been sort of a problem. I always get worried around this time because the bottom of each cola seems shadowed, thinner, fresher, tenderer, greener – like there a LOT more potential left, yet only about 3 weeks to go. Yikes.

Have I de-leafed too much? Can I de-leaf more? (There are a few fan leaves you can see that are sort of in the way, but I also don’t wanna cripple the respiration here, either.)
Is the yellow pretty normal, or is it hurting?
I’m at around 950 - 1000 PPFD of light now. Should I back off?

Thank you! :slight_smile:

I’m going to hang some cheapy LEDS around the outside edges of the light canopy, to try to get better light penetration.

Watering every other da


You are doing great with them. I don’t think I can answer your questions as well as most others here, but it looks great to me. The lollipop looks good. Are you feeding nutes with your water every other day?


thats what i do with these string lights


I am using nutes now, yes, but tapering down. I used an MH bulb and all-around ferts for veg but transitioned to a new regimen at flower. I now run VERY light on nitrogen (fish emulsion) (and only because it seems to be yellowing a bit early). Mostly I’m using this stuff called Flower Fuel, which is about a 1-32-34 NPK mix. I do not over-fertilize usually. I’m tapering off the nutes a little now, and will start only using water in about a week or so. I don’t flush but I stop the nutes a few weeks early.


damn those look awesome <3

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You’ll find your answers here, my friend. You may be quite surprised how much they fill out in the last three weeks… looking really good thus far

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Thanks man! You can see the shimmer of the trichomes emerging – that just began last week, and it is the most perfect dusting of snow ever.

Ok, just figured out you weren’t talking about me. :slight_smile: Damn, I feel old.

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What’s the goal here, then? To me, this reads as a flush. And that’s no issue, just curious really.


I don’t consider it a flush, because I am not tracking PPM or watering extra during this phase or trying to get anything out. I just stop fertilizing at the end because it seems like it’s kind of a waste. But I don’t go on some weird quest for taste’s sake or anything like that.


If your wanting to smoke the bud as soon as its dry I say flush. If your willing to wait for the bud to cure properly then don’t flush. Flushing doesn’t effect how cannabis effects you but it certainly makes it smoother so your less likely to cough.


They look awesome, lollipop seems fine. I wouldn’t defoltiate anymore.

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