Help with plant problem

oh yea i fully agree with you but grey mold type, most cases you can get them out easily unlike biotrophs like powdery or downey mildews or even disease like fusarium and i think what he’s getting is grey mold so far

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Dude look at the crown of the plant. They both have a major problem.

yes, it happened promptly after having no power for a week. the roots rotted. i am not sure it is from the fungus.

When i took that picture the determination was made that the roots were done and weren’t uptaking nutes. no one mentioned anything about the possibility of a fungus being the cause…not that it wasn’t.

Yeah idk man. I just know death is working it’s way up your plant. If that is fungal, those spores are spreading all in your tent. Just something to consider. Good luck to you

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the super crappy one has been chopped up into 5 cuttings…all rooted in 8 days. no signs of mold.
i have spores all over the place from all sorts of stuff, but usually controlling the environment is the key to keeping them under control. i didn’t have control over it during the summer in the garage.

if i run 70rh+ i will get wpm too…but so will most folks. thanks. i sprayed it all down with sulfur. once i get the top to root that i took the other day the better looking plant will be disposed of. I’m at week 3 on my normal production run, but temp/rh are well controlled.

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Sorry to say but I’d start over with a cleaner source :man_shrugging:

Unless it’s the prized cut just say gbye :confused:


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one of them is…for sure.

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ohhh this can be caused from substrate
i think you did all good but just the substrate was unlucky to have toooo much unwanted microbes already in there

and if its grey mols, you can def save those plants (cuttings i mean) and i think you’ll save it

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the cuttings look pretty healthy. i they didn’t want to take a lot of nutes, but once i get some new growth on them things should get better.

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