Help with switching to Jacks fertilizer

Great details here shade, love to hear the direct feedback with different kinds of growing


I’ll definitely look into it and figure out how to work the system thanks for the advice brother!


The app isn’t installable by my phone because it’s newer and it doesn’t work with the new android OS I guess. So with that it’s just giving you an exact breakdown on your ppm to a certain tolerance (+/- 10-30 ppm?) See I admittedly don’t check my runoff or ppm I just mix water and use it lol but this is something I do need to look at if I’m looking to improve my growing game so ill watch that video and try to better understand this and how to use it on computer and with jacks 321


You can get around that with a couple different approaches if you wanted to, but it’s probably a much better and easier user experience on a laptop or desktop computer:

It will do that and also all the other numbers you need basically and work them forwards and backwards for you from grams of powder to your final solution numbers. Basically you pick your nutes from a list in the program or add them as custom if they’re not already there, and it tells you PPMs, EC, PH etc:



This is another good pair of posts to read from Dr Salts

About Jacks

About NPK and PPMs


Awesome thanks for all the help I really appreciate it!


Good advice. I think everyone would benefit from at least understanding that our “ppm” meters don’t actually measure parts per million. They all measure electrical conductivity (EC), then they apply a “conversion factor” (eg: x500 or x700) and display that number as “ppm”. Elemental ppm is something different. On my particular combo meter, for example, I can set the conversion factor to whatever I want.

Not sure if you were referring to a different site or person, but HydroBuddy and Scienceinhydroponics are Dr. Daniel Fernandez’s projects… is Dr. Dan Johnson involved or something? Maybe I missed something there.

The phone app…is just not very usable, in my opinion.

@lefthandseeds thread is very good. @Renfro Made an excell spreadsheet version of an elemental ppm calculator as well, over on RIU, for download. There’s a very long, detailed thread on beanbasement where @Skybound learned all about this and put it into practice - Daniel Fernandez has a lot of input there as well. And then there’s another site called future4200 dedicated to this, where Daniel Fernandez has taken part.

I have a little bit of experience with it (I haven’t made custom blends yet, but I use Hydrobuddy to inform myself what I’m doing, and also Renfro’s calc. previously) and am willing to help out here and there.

Caveat (This is why one can’t exactly duplicate or copy different brands formulas. So when we input any product, such as Jack’s, or Masterblend, into a calculator like HydroBuddy, we can’t actually replicate it, because essentially, these company’s aren’t required to list the exact amounts of the ingredients, and, I believe, they also aren’t required to list all the ingredients - necessarily. I’m aware of this, when I use it myself, and when I post a “profile” of some product):


Nope that was me being a silly goose, thanks for the heads up, I just edited that to correct it

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I’m planning on switching right now due to rising ph with my current nutes. How well does jack do in a sump like octopots as far as ph creep?

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Are you using Tap or RO water?

I was battling PH swings using Jacks classic 20-20-20 in a micro octopot and recently switched to tap only. It has helped significantly.
I’ve also noticed the lower concentration of nutrients added = less PH buffer / more PH swing.

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I’m using tap water and lotus nutrients. For now I have self watering bases but after this I was going to convert to octopot in the 4x4 and I had heard people have had good luck with jacks.

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I can only speak to Jacks Classic 20-20-20 and 10-30-20. Works well for me.


After all the things I’ve read and seen now. I think I’m convinced. Thank you

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I’m using jacks 321 (3 part system part A, epsom salt, and part B) in autopots. I’m not sure exactly what octopots are but I use 5 gal plastic mesh bags (rain science bags) in the XL geopot setup. I run 4 plant per tent and ill turn on the autopots when the plants want watered daily. Jacks 321 got me my biggest harvest ever last grow. Mind you I had to cull 2 plants so this 1 plant just took over almost the whole 4x8. 1.5 lbs dried and cured when it was all said and done. Dont take my word for it tho try it for yourself and feel free to look into my perpetual grow log. I run 4-5 tents all off jacks 321, added cal mag (liquid) as needed, and recharge


From what I’m seeing, Jacks tends to remain in healthy pH range until empty.

I’m using RO water. My veg nutes are based off Jacks RO formula, I run Jacks Bloom for a week at flip, for the rest of flower I run based on Jacks 321. I’m running in micro octopots with straight pro-mix hp. I pH to 6.1-ish (6.0-6.2) and anytime I’ve checked later it’s still been within 5.8-6.5. Usually I don’t even see much pH movement before the plants suck the rez dry—which in late veg, early flower has taken about 2 days.