Help with switching to Jacks fertilizer

@dubby12 15-5-20 is for tap indoors, 18-8-23 for tap outdoors. the equivalent of 3-2-1 (using envy brand) works better with my tap water though.

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I figured I could come here to get help with my new nutes.@shade @Slammedsonoma420 @ColeLennon If any of you guys follow my thread Check out my perpetual grow! Then you’ll know I’m planning on doing a canna con next year so long story short I’ve been reaching out to manufacturers of products I use asking for brochures to help spread info about their products. Got around to talking to the people at jacks 321 telling them I’d love to essentially shout them out from my own personal success with the product and wanted to try their additives. Well they sent me free additives and now I gotta figure out how do you use these? Do they replace your part a and b and you add epsom salt at the same rate? I know you only use 1 part a obviously but just curious on if I add these extra or replace them with this


6-6-26 seems only for later stage veg, id look deeper into the elemental breakdown vs 5-12-26 to see if theres anything different besides lower phos…

0-12-26 for late stage flower, in the way people are using it here that would start at week 5/6 onward.


Thanks for the help @shade. I might switch to 6-6-26 for my tents now. Got 1 tent in flower about a week and the other tent will be flipped in a week so that late veg one probably fits the bill. It never states if these replace part a and b or are additives. The documents you shared make it look like you add it to your regular jacks 321 blend in addition to part a and b and not substituting for them


I’m gonna ask jacks 321 personally and see what they say about it


says on the bags for the other part a’s that they are interchangeable, so you use them instead of 5-12-26 at those stages… the dosage on the spreadsheet is just a ratio, so say 3.7854g 5-12-26 / 2.5236g calnit / 0.9894g epsom per gal then 3.15g 6-6-26 / 2.5236g calnit / 0.9894g epsom etc… so you mix at that ratio until you get to desired ppm/ec.


Cool, that’s nice of them. Hit’em up for some directions now, haha.
I wish I could get that 0-12-26, but canada.
Is it your first time with dry ferts?


I’ve slacked on checking ppms and ec, I’ve started 321 feeds at 50% early in veg and creep up to full strength based on how the plants accept it, but I thin k I need to start charting this shit instead of winging it lol, with the additives it seems pretty effing versatile.

Only been using 321 about a year, love this thread :+1: I used Peter’s back in the day with not much fuss


I’ve been using jacks 321 for close to a year. I bought the 25-50 lb bags. Can’t remember they were probably 50lb bags because they reminded me of feed bags lol. @breadwinner I just start them at 100% anymore never had any issues and they take off right away


Well I asked Brett but got a immediate reply that he’s out of the office so I’ll check back Monday evening and hopefully have a response from him


I think @LD50 might have your answer here:


I I’ve mostly just grown autos with the 321, and this is what I generally consider full strength with the addition of a few ammendments/supplements here and there teas, water soluble calcium (wich helped keep cal/mag a little more independent from the N in flower)

I’m seeing the photos generally being hungrier.

Great info :+1:


@Dirt_Wizard I wish it did but the info I’m looking for wasn’t there besides what was already stated above that the 0-12-26 is mainly used for finishing in flower and the rates to apply it at. Im curious if I should use the 0-12-26 or the 6-6-26 next time I make water. I have split reservoirs so I can use some in the flower tent and another in the veg tent but from what im understanding it’s just the same feed just slightly modified for less of one thing or another. It’s a bit confusing to me because I had thought they were additives like how fox farm does there’s

Supposedly Masterblend made the 0-12-26 specifically at cannabis growers’ request for a blend without nitrogen, so that they could dictate the nitrogen levels themselves. And I heard they made it (exclusively?) for, but I duno if that means it won’t show up anywhere else. Now Jack’s has the same formula.

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Here is the schedule for the 6-6-26. I haven’t tried it. I just use 5-12-26 for Veg.

Edit. Most of them for that matter. They tell you when to add them.
The only thing ive found to make a difference is the finish. It does make them swell hard.


Awesome thanks for the help @Slammedsonoma420. That’s what I was waiting to hear. Still gonna make use of these nutes because they were free lmao. I guess I’ll wait for an official reply from jacks 321 and then see how to proceed but I thank you all for your help. I know I don’t understand things right away and get confused but thanks for working with me everyone!


Yeah man use them up! Nothing better than free, as long as they work. But when I reorder I will be getting 5-12-26, calnit, 7-15-30 I think it is. And I would try the 0-12-26 for mid/late flower before using the 7-15-30/finish.
I get the Epsom at the pharmacy.
Good luck and let us know how they work out for you.


@Slammedsonoma420 I’m honestly probably gonna just buy the 7-15-30 for finish because I wanna use all the additives 1 run to see the results. Like @shade said I might use the 0-12-26 once I get my preflowers showing and then a bit later I’ll switch to the 7-15-30 for finishing. Not sure if I’ll add that the last 2 weeks last month or what but im gonna learn as I grow! I wanna do a side by side and see if the additives truly make the buds bigger and denser but it would be a hard comparison when I hardly ever grow more than 2 of the same strain


It would be 321 up until they start forming buds then I find it better to transition with 1/2 that and 1/2 the 10-30-20 for a few days at least, then you’d go straight 10-30-20 til week 5, then 1/2 strength 10-30-20 and 1/2 strength 5-12-26 for at least a few days then just 5-12-26 til finish (I’m using 7-15-30 instead)… you would only sub in the 0-12-26 for 5-12-26 at the end.
That’s like the papalag/jetdro method.
Im doing 321 the whole way for autos for sure, i didn’t see any benefit from using the 10-30-20 with photos outdoors this year so only change I’ll do indoors is use the 7-15-30 finish from week 6 on.


@HighTilliDie it sounds like you would benefit from using a free nutrient calculator to figure out the combinations of products you need to hit your macros for weekly nutrients, the best one is Hydrobuddy, and there are some expert users on here especially @lefthandseeds who has taught a lot of folks about it, he mixes nutes from raw salts now after trying the Jacks route, in order to get more granular control every feed. Until you are doing the math you’re just going to be guessing using these sorts of different products in combination. Cutting and switching entirely between them is simpler but it’s still going to require some calculations about EC strength of your solutions and stuff, this makes that easy once you’re set up. I haven’t gone this way yet but I’ve been trying to learn Hydrobuddy through other peoples use of it here.

This is a great how to get started with Hydrobuddy tutorial from LeftHand

And here’s a video tutorial:

EDIT: This is Dr Daniel Fernandez’s site he’s the one who made the software:

It runs on desktop but in a simple version as a phone app too:

He goes really deep on his YouTube videos: