Hey You! Yeah You! Where are your plants?

I am still on the fence on who I am and could be.

What I should do or not do

How many holes to fill in the garden

Who is gonna hold me when I cry

Why does my sandwich always have to have the crust on the edges

Ohhh. Wait. Wrong thread

Post up guys.

We love knowledge

And we love cannabis.
Anytime I post a thread. I thoroughly enjoy talking with members about the seeds and the grow


I will cut the crust off your sandwiches but the holding of you, well, you’ll have to find someone else for that.




Sorry, I’m Spanish so not the more indicated to correctly translate it … embaressed_smile|nullxnull

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Oh look it’s this thread again.


Oh really? I must have missed the last one


I’ll show the whole thing, make it to harvest and still not provide a smoke report lol. I never know what to say other than dumb stuff a 17 year old would say like “it’s fire” “shits good” “I’d smoke again”


Yeah, they tend to pop up every month or two. We talk in circles for 1000 posts then it gets locked down.

I do agree with what you said though.




Hold tight George

My wife is Mexican - Italian and maybe she can type it faster
Hola dot la esposa de Cartoon
El lo que te quiere transmitir es
Que nadie, nace sabiendo, las dudas existen como saber
Cuantos hoyos cabran en el jardin?
Si lo estas haciendo bien o mal?
Quien te acompanara cuando algo salga mal?
Por eso hay que compartir!
A todos nos gusta aprender y amamos el cannabis
Por eso casa que publico algo me gusta hablar de lo que sane mos o queremos aprender, semillas y como cultivar


But you show the late flowering plant which is great. It is very helpful. Almost as good as a smoke report.

And yes a smoke report that only says “I’d smoke again” is good to know. That the smoke was worth growing can be just those few words.


That’s the problem. I’ve noticed how it goes down. It’s no coincidence either.

I scroll over 100 threads a day. It’s easy to dismiss threads.

How is this topic so controversial? You’d think the true OGers would be backing my sentiments

It’s like the twilight zone in here


Thanks man, I was referring to this:

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The very reason I joined forums. To research what I was growing and seek information. I applaud guys like you and @HomegrownVABudz because it was because of growers like you who provided pictures and experiences that I continued to hang around :green_heart:


Yeah I’d say most people generally agree but there are a lot of different opinions on how to fix the problem and sometimes it gets a bit heated. Or something like that.


I’m not the most consistent, but I try to post whenever I think about it.

This new tablet with the unlimited hotspot has helped me post more regularly cuz pictures take so long to upload on my cell data.

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Because it questions (imho) the seed-collecting addiction that the OG site benefits from. The excitement of free seeds vs the excitement of learning about growing.
Collector vs Grower.
I am both a seed “collector” and a secret “grower” so i understand both sides.

EDIT. But i ALWAYS prefer plant or bud photos over seed pack photos.


I like to think I’m a little of both now, and I blame OG :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


It’s one reason i came here from RIU. To openly trade seeds was a wonderful concept that RIU banned members for.

For me it started w trading, then getting seeds from and then giving seeds to others, creates a generous and kind vibe to OG that is on no other weed forum. OG encourages generosity and mostly genuinely NICE behavior.


Agree, that’s the only thing that matters, if there’s people wanting to take advantage of that it’s something we cannot fight, we have no way to avoid it and we will have to live with it … :roll_eyes: