Hey You! Yeah You! Where are your plants?

I can’t see what is the thing that annoys you. So I must ask what could be:

  1. That the OGrs share seeds?
  2. That some OGrs share seeds to testers and late they try to made a living/bussiness in the seed industry.
  3. The ratio between learning/experiences/documentation and seed sharing?
  4. Add your own reasons here

I think that I suppose that the 1 is not the problem, so go on with my other alternatives…

  1. Growers that want to sell seeds but don’t grow their owns creations (for whatever reason) and looking for testers?: What is the problem? The seed collectors obtain seeds and the other part see their “creations” grow. Perhaps not very professional, but is a deal between two parties. All the parts involved wins. Who has lost?

  2. The ratio. The act of giving/sharing (G/S) seeds is taking a growth over the experiences/learning/information (E/L/I). Well, I don’t have that much experience here in OG, I’m relatively new, but I think that the fact that more threads are for G/S doesn’t mean that the E/L/I are lost, the OGrs that post E/L/I are still there. I have plenty of threads pinned in that category, perhaps not as active as the G/S one, but between then all, I receive many more notifications from the threads with experiences/learning/information than from the giving/sharing.

  3. I’am totally lost. I just awake with the head in the opiates clouds and didn’t understand a shit. So please, enlighten me.

I am a seeds collector. Not only for weed, if they are pepper, tomatoes, beans… seeds… they are worth for me. (I was a collector before joining and knowing of OG,… I could have saved some thousands in seeds… or not :sweat_smile: )
I am also a grower (not breeder), not the best one, but I think that not the last in line. I have a grow diary and I am just now trying to make seeds to share. Probably it will not be fire, and far from the one in a million special ones, but for sure they will make somebody happy. I’m mad because I want to share my shit and see others growing it? I am of the ones that are always short on space…

Well, as I previously said, I have just wake up and with the head still in the clouds by the opiates, and perhaps I misunderstood all. :sweat_smile:
PD: And YES, I prefer cannabis over opiates for my treatment, but here the medical marihuana is still in diapers. And I could use it, but as I have no Doctor’s prescription for it, then the traffic police could fine me for smoking a joint a week ago.

Sorry for the divagations and excuse my ignorance.
Have a nice day.


calling out sponsors of the site directly is murky waters most people dont want to get into. also people have been able to get away with pretending to be sponsors for decent periods of time.
i am much in @BudWhisperer’s camp, things come up in real life and the plants seldom make it even half way to flower, and i dont want to post any more pics of plants that arent going to be smoked.


There are. However, no one has yet offered a realistic solution that wouldn’t break the forum for everyone else. Or, for that matter, a way to identify who’s a scavenger/fraud/faker/whatever. If there are specific rules someone is breaking, maybe reporting it to the mods might help, but even then it’s kinda useless. Look how many times boron dude’s been banned and come back. I haven’t counted how many seed vendors are skating by without being sponsors, but I’ve mostly stopped bothering to call them out because it’s just a waste of my time and energy. The mods won’t do anything unless there’s a huge fuss, and people seem to like them being here anyway. :man_shrugging:

Of course, I haven’t done a successful co-op run and I’ve received more seeds than I’ve sent out. Maybe I’m one of the scavengers, in your eyes. I grow as many plants as I have room for, but I update infrequently and my thread is mostly ignored by everyone when I do. Dunno. What exactly makes someone’s contributions to the forum valuable enough to be worth other people sharing their seeds, and who decides other than the people who are giving out their seeds? Are there any charts or graphs we can refer to? And, if so, who wrote them and what are their biases?

So no, you’re not breaking any rules, but you’re asking questions that there’s no consensus on and it’s probably not going to lead to one any more than every other time they’ve been asked.


they can arrest you aka ruin your life if you have opiates in your system. they can do the same if you are tired or had a tylenol pm. not sure i fully understood you, but i hope you’re toking and making the best of it.


@splinter7 For the opiates I have a Doctor prescription.
As is the traffic law here, if they are prescribed by Doctor then it is fine, unless if in the Doctor prescription he states that I can not drive.
With cannabis the same, if it is prescribed by the Doctor and not indicating not to drive… then it is allowed. The problem is Doctors still not prescribe it, at least mine.


that seems nuts. just because you might need medical alcohol (it’s a thing) doesn’t mean you should drive after having it…even if your dr. said you could. you can get whacked out on opiates and drive a car because the dr says so? wild. just wild. where i am at it doesn’t matter who said you could have it, if you drive under the influence that is always considered driving under the influence. it’s illegal, no one gets in trouble for weed though…maybe if you were doing in the car or are super messed up. they don’t have a standard test here for weed impairment yet.

i have a script for norcos due to a bad car accident. i took one and that poison sucked, but i am not sure weed would kill pain the same way. weed is ok, but it’s barely drugs.

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Here the law changed not so long ago. Here for cannabis it is not “under the influence” but it is “with traces”. And traces of cannabis can be found a week later.
A Judge has solicited an acclaration to the Superior Court, and in that aclaration they say more or less that “if the Doctor prescribed it, he knows the dose an amount and if it will affect driving or not, so if it not stated the prohibition of driving…”

I have a herniated disc problems and ciatic, and I can assure that cannabis diminish the pain and works for me. I prefer it over opiates, but no prescription for cannabis… so I can’t use it unless I know for sure that will be no driving in at least a week :man_shrugging:


interesting approach…seems reasonable actually. Our MADD lobbyists here (mothers against drunk driving) doesn’t care at all about what a dr. thinks. they are on a mission to get people arrested who aren’t causing problems. personally, i don’t care if you drive however you want. if you mess up and hurt someone, only then you should get in trouble. if someone runs into my car when i had a few of whatever, the wreck wasn’t because i did something wrong…it’s because sober people can’t drive well. I was probably driving super slow and safe due to paranoia.

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I have made more mistakes driving sober that with drugs. Many times I found myself thinking in whatever and not attending to drive (sober)… Sober my brain do multitasking… :rofl:
Much worse is alcohol for driving than cannabis.

And after all, statistics confirm that sober people is still causing more accidents than drugged ones.


I agree 100% I hate scammers.
Some here seem to support them… :thinking:
I have made a few good suggestions in the past on what could be done to help the issue, but there is a small group here that will come in to ruin the thread with heated hateful comments.
It would seem they want things to stay just as they are, if you suggest otherwise the personal attacks will start.
If you keep this thread going long enough they will find there way here and go to work.

That has been my experience anyway.
Good luck brother @Vagabond_Windy I am on your side.


This is very true. I’ve seen it over and over.


I don’t believe an occasional disruption or anecdote throws off the whole conversation though. If you pause in the middle of a great meal to have a sip of water or wine, is the meal then ruined. The reader here deserves more credit for thier ability to distinguish the the position laid out from the occasional outcry. Lots of readers following these threads and not interjecting as well. Carry on.


I know exactly how you feel and what you are seeing. There’s SOOOO MUCH good here, that I feel like a lot of the bullshite squeaks by unnoticed for a long while but eventually is brought to light. I’m actually guilty of not throwing up smoke reports etc. Hell I just had an entire run go to complete shit when I was sick and was forced to start over, and I feel bad EVERYTIME becuz I know there’s people that look up to me and look forward to my posts, pics , info etc. I truly believe that the majority here are great, honest, kind, generous people who EXACTLY like you said “would give the shirt off of their back” I’ve always tried to embrace this myself and try and give away as much as I recieve if not way more. I’ve felt a slight shift here recently, and I’ve even had issues for the first time since being here, a few in fact. But I’m not giving into that shit, I’m still gonna be me, do me and live my life the way I’ve adopted to make me happy and try and make others feel that way as well.


That’s the spirit @TopShelfTrees1 , never let others dictate who you are. No sense in giving others that kind of power over you.


Thank you :pray:t3: I’ve always had issues not letting stuff like that TRULY get to me and allowing it to creep into every aspect of my life, but thanks to a few TRUE friends/brothers I’ve been shown that I’m better than that and have SO MUCH going for me and SO MANY who have my back how could I not keep striving to do better for them and my family


I was thinking the title of the thread was an invitation to actually post pics and reading along I understood otherwise. :eyes:

Just to lighten the mood, here are some plants.:grin::v:t3:


That’s what I was thinking, haha, almost 60 posts and only 1 plant pic.


You’re not guilty of anything. You’re not obligated to do anything.


Smoke reports or lack of are the least of the issues here, and they’re not important in the overall discussion I’m trying to raise here.
I’m glad you see the dark cloud,
You’re one of a kind my friend :green_heart:


I grow them, I show them, but I don’t always do a “smoke report” about them either. I am mostly making and using tincture these days anyway but everyone’s cannabinoid receptors are so different that something may smoke a certain way to one person but completely different to another.