Hey You! Yeah You! Where are your plants?

I think there is certainly that element, but what I’ve noticed over the last several months is that everyone is seemingly a seed co. I heard older heads here barking about that over the course of time, but now I actually see that as they case. People randomly pop in dm’s or threads offering their brand of seed. Firstly, thanks for the offer….however, we’ve never talked, I don’t know you, and lastly, I’m already balls deep in seed yo! Shuttin up now.


Thank you @Pawsfodocaws i definitely try my best. Been overwhelming to say the least this year but I’m finally almost caught back up, but now I’ve got a list as long as my arm of stuff lined up to run so I’m on a breeding mission for a few months at least . I’m well thank you. Hope you are too. I really appreciate the kind words :pray:t3: truly .


Hey man, thanks. I am glad you have a line up going. I wish you the best amd most fruitful efforts. Stay in touch man. Your good people. I’m glad to be able to move past that bs. No enemies needed here. Doing well here as well.

Paws :peace_symbol:


Well not that I support the old OG’s fight club mentality, I do believe there is another side to this debate.
Where are all the super supportive, OG’ers, that are NOT giving an eye to the thread that a poster will, start, then update a few times, and not a comment if left, no words of encouragement, or maybe it’s a different point of view, that bunches your panties up.
There are many UNvisited threads, as maybe the poster, uses chemicals to grow, or a user follows Brix guide lines, or maybe there are dedicated organic mechanics, or juice junkies.
Whatever it may be, that makes/causes you shun it.
I see the cancel culture running all through these hallowed cyber halls.
Many threads are set up presenter style if that is a term at all. Maybe it’s just MY silly way of seeing some of the threads I bop into. I tend to fly from those, as it gets so far away from growing, with endless banter.
I’m not quick to start thread after thread, after thread, but I do try to reply to a thread with an UNANSWERED question, or it has not been responded to, by many OG’ers.
All I’m getting at, is tear down the differences that we all build, with cancel culture.
AND fuck yes, I’m guilty of shading threads of folks, that we do not see eye to on, due to what they add in their threads.
I mean no disrespect to anyone’s view.
We all need to try to be better, a bit more helpful, ready to listen over, beating our own diatribe into their way.
OG 2.0 is an excellent community!
Anyway, just my old guy $.02 worth of words.


I love this place. Plain and simple thank you all true ogs!!!



The best of us usually can, especially small meaningless crap. I’m glad as well. You do the same. Thank you :pray:t3:


Definitely the best for sure.


And here are my plants.

-And I don’t know much, but I do have fun and I’m always up for a new run.



I’ll expand a little on this. I just discovered two member’s logs here that I didn’t even know were grow logs until I was bored one evening and clicked on the titles. @Oldjoints and @Hash_hog have stunning journals here, but the titles of their threads didn’t jump out at me as grow journals. I think some thread titles get lost in translation.


Very well thought out and super well put.

I love OG cross the board.

If it was not for OG. I would not have jars filled. Nor beautiful plants growing.

So I appreciate

I have not run into to too many assholes here and it’s been more positive then ever being here with like minded peeps

Thank you all for being you

It takes a difference in people to make the network work so well


Thanks @Pawsfodocaws , I do my best to keep my journals as thorough as possible. :v: Insert random pic here.


I guess I must be out to lunch, but I don’t know if I’ve seen that much of what you’re describing? Or maybe I’m just mentally filtering it out. You take the good, you take the bad…


Epic tent of bushes there. What are they?

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I don’t do smoke reports as I don’t smoke. I always welcome people smoking it for me. As everything I grow the last couple years is for seed increases here. I throw all the stuff left together, I can’t even give the effects. I know something in the last batch upped my anxiety so I gotta figure that out and not grow it for me :laughing:

:green_heart: :seedling: