Hey You! Yeah You! Where are your plants?

Smoke reports are awesome! But not necessary. Growing, showing pics, providing others information on your experience is vital to the community. And while I agree we all experience this wonderful plant differently, there is bound to be someone on the same wavelength as you.

I enjoy your contributions :green_heart:


Don’t the mods maintain some sort of rating system on members?..not sure what it is, but I think it’s out there.

I fit part of your description in that I never post a “smoke report”. Why?..I don’t smoke.
I quit cigarettes after 50yrs, 5yrs ago, and I can all but garauntee that if I started to hit a joint or a pipe, I’d be uptown at the gas station in a flash…so No. No smoke reports from me, partner.

I post lots of pics of my grows, I’ve sent seeds to folks, and one of those was a person that falls into the category you describe, but my method of dealing with it is “note to self: don’t.”

As for where my plants are?..I started some autos around 1st of July. 3 have been out on the deck until today. We’ve got a cold snap coming in, so temps after this weekend are going to be in the low 30s overnight, so they’re in their new home upstairs to finish ripening:

The two “helpers” can’t decide which of the 3 they like best :rofl:


I get this so much. I have not smoked in over 20 years. I can share my growing experience, but I’ll bug you to death over smoke report since I don’t.
Hope this gets to the point of the good outweighs the bad fast! I so much prefer focusing on the many positive examples I see here. As long as people share experience bad actors will be quickly exposed and we can get back to the good


I don’t do smoke reports either, I just suck at describing such things.


I’m willing to make up smoke reports if everyone sends me testers lmao


Me too man. And honestly it’s sort of arbitrary depending on so many factors.

But I will say, whoever some of these “breeders” have writing the copy on some these “strain” descriptions I see on seed-seller sites are pretty imaginative.


What? Cmon. You don’t know what the gentle kiss of a long forgotten summers evening smells like?


Yup. I’m an expert smoker with novice descriptive skills. Flavor profiles in the smoke report is not my strong point at all but if it gets me high it’s really good :joy:


I completely agree, it’s all so subjective. I do however document my grows completely from beginning to end. Not sure how helpful they are but I do show the good, the bad and the ugly so at least folks see exactly what happens. I like to think at least something in my journals has helped someone. Even if it’s just to show them what not to do, lol.

I do however agree with @Vagabond_Windy regarding such and such genetics. Seems like many pollen chuckers not only want to call themselves breeders but also like to label themselves whatever genetics. Sure pays to do your research on a “breeder” if you want any idea of what you are getting.


As others have pointed out, it’s totally arbitrary…at least amongst us mere mortals.

Two of us can take seeds from the same source, grow them out, and have totally different results, and both totally acceptable.

And there are many other things. Someone could sample these two totally different grows of Black Lobstah and think that one totally sucked, while the other was a unicorn fart.

  1. I use a different set of nutes.

  2. I have a different watering schedule

  3. My growing mix is totally different

  4. My curing process completely different.

One ends up being ditch weed, the other tastes and smells like unicorn farts.

This is weird. The text in my editing window is different than what gets displayed.


I must be the odd man out. I find it really annoying when I follow a grow from start to finish and there’s no mention of the quality of the flower. It’s like watching all nine seasons of Seinfeld, and NBC decides not to air the last one. I miss the old OG reports. There was a user here back in the day with the username Aja who was an expert at them. I do realize people process smells tastes and highs differently, but there is a ballpark. I follow grow logs to determine if the strains may be something I’m interested in growing myself, not because the plants are pretty. I’ve grown plenty of pretty plants that weren’t keepers.

Just my humble opinion.


I agree. But the beauty of our community is that everyone is different, including opinions and grow styles.
While it would be amazing for a grower to follow through with a report of some kind , we’ve just read a few of many examples as to why it can’t be done sometimes. And there is nothing wrong with that , life happens. My journal is a testament to that.


Let’s not stray from my original post, I never said anything bad about not posting Smoke reports.

I hope anyone with ill intentions would see we are uniting and staying vigilant rather than fighting amongst ourselves and losing sight of the real issues


I’m not looking for a formal report like the old ones used to be.

“I’d run her again” would suffice.


And so, it begins.

Show me one example where I’ve been disrespectful.

1 Like

I never said you were
Sorry if I wrote that sentence a little funky

I meant that the discussion is going well and let’s keep it going :green_heart:

I erased it. I’m high as shit off Super Silver Haze and just didn’t think that sentence through,
I’m sorry for that


For me, it’s all about this:

Learning how to grow something that beautiful and then sharing it with this generous and knowledgeable community is deeply satisfying.

The rest is just noise.

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


I throw out reports for sure. And havn a huge log showcasing all since the start of joining I love this site, the members here are great. Topshelf. And Doug are amongst some of the most well documented. @TopShelfTrees1 , I hope all is well. :v: :peace_symbol: :dove:


here are some atm.


Came over from RIU as it was a graveyard compared to 2010-11 when I started growing.
OG is insanely different, Much more community and real people on here. Information is endless and ability to grow your skills are boundless. Members make this home for me. I haven’t been here long but I’m here for the long haul.

I do fall into the category of limited smoke reports, but I try to chime into growers growing those OG strains as to what they can expect when I come across their grow logs.

Growing some of that now, Thanks to OG.
Stop by the woods sometime brotha. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

After catching up on this thread, this is the crux of the matter. No grow logs, tons of dibs.
Or am I missing the mark?

Would having a successful start to finish log be the barrier to entry you’d like to see before the FS/Giveaway threads are opened up to members?