HGLs Happy Box of Chocolates and other Goodies

I thought about it, the only thing is… Out of 5 it was the 5th for smell and look, though what the heck could have pollinated one seed? I will for sure save it but im unsure what to run next.

I feel like i would like to get to learn how to clone to get that best pheno!


I’m working out cloning right now. I think I’m getting the hang of it.


I’ll need some pointers when the time comes :wink:

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The Two Lemon Skunk still trucking away.


I don’t have any secrets as far as growing. What little I know I’ll tell you. Then, of course, you’ll have to find someone who actually knows more than I do to tell you the right way. :slight_smile:

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We are all in this learning together brother. For instance, learned my room dries fast on one corner .Hoping the curing takes the brittleness away .

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If they were tight buds you may be surprised how much moisture comes out slowly. I like using veg leaves to re-hydrate bud that over dried. I’ll throw in a Bovida but I’ll also drop in five or six leaves. That releases a lot of moisture quickly. You have to remember to remove those leaves after a few hours or it will get too moist.
Johnny told me that he does it that way so I tried and sure enough. It worked faster than the Bovida and as long as I watched and removed the leaves when the Rh meter hit 65 I didn’t risk mold.

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Slowly rising in RH. What do you usually do with the left over kief? Was thinking of throwing it with all my trim for hash to rosin .


I like to layer a little on top of a bowl of good bud. That gives you a new level of high.

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:lemon: :skunk: still going strong.

Bags are sitting at 39-42 % RH. What time frame did that RH spike up ? @MoBilly


If they haven’t come up at all I’d put some green leaves in with them. A bovida pack would help too but the leaves will have a quicker effect. That was in larger bags though so watch them close.
When I put leaves in there it took only about 10 - 12 hrs to get that up to the 50% mark.


I was just gonna say this! Throw a couple green fans in there you’ll go up quick. I woulda done that right away though…like a half hour after they went into the bags and it read low.


Should I not have sealed the bags :thinking:

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You can re-seal them. :v:

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I had to open pheno number 2 of the Box of Chocolates for a peak :yum:


Here is a peak at the number #1 Pheno for Angelica Skunk. #1 out of #2 as I used to tell my Momma, i just wouldn’t tell her only 2 people competed in the race :wink:

Smells of skunk road kill :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


They look very different. The trichomes on #1 are so long it looks like what my friend used to call “redbud”. :slight_smile:

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Ive learned some great lessons with these bags. Wait until the RH is stable before sealing, also on every bag i sealed way to low to the zip lok part. I have just stopped looking at them and will check in a month. Hoping for the best :wink:

In other news my next run will be consisting of DJ Shorts Blueberry F5 along with CSI Airforce one X Obama. Trying this new Coco thing :laughing:
Thank you @Eagles009


Excited to pop some of these tonight!



If you’re not married to the Flo, I’d love to trade you for them. That is one of my favorites. A true classic!

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