Hi everyone old time overgrower

I was a member of overgrow.com years back and met some really good folk from across the globe i’ve been growing 35 years but sadly I’m having to give it up as my girlfriend is moving in on the 20th of this month so i have to get shut of all my gear before then.

a good mate is going to supply me for a crafty one now and then as I set his system up ’ I loved the old site and the banta that went with it as well as the things we did .
anyhow great site and I’ll keep visiting when i can .


Welcome back @Barnsley-Bill!!! Glad you stopped by.

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Welcome back and i hope you visit often!

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Welcome @Barnsley-Bill go stealth on her. And good luck setting up his grow


Have you got your old school badge already?

Welcome back!


tell your good mate to register too!


Welcome back. is Def a great site a great bunch of people here


…welcome back…

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great to see old timers return ha ha I am sure you have some great experience to offer to the group once again.

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I have had a load of laughs and met some right blokes a long the way both here in the UK and abroad and I can’t believe we got away with some of things we did back then lol