Hi I'm new here

I have burnt plants using tin foil as a reflector.


Dang. I always messed in closets and tents. Maybe almost the same, or less reflective than foil?!


Welcome, @MerryWanna0303
Post lots of pics.
Happy growing :sunny:


I did it in 2021 with my FEM seed babies. 2- 30 watt LED’s in a tote lined with tin foil. Barney Farms Shiskaberry half the plant all the way to harvest was yellow and stunted literally half the plant. Snap. :rofl:


You can’t see it in the pic. Its zebra’d :zebra:


O shit. That’s nuts. I usually burn em when I run out of room. Then I just train the heck out of them.


Hello there, and welcome! :smiley:
Nice little corner you’ve carved out for yourself. Lookin good. Is this a first grow? Whatcha growing? How’s she doing?

Ya know, for what those little three-strip blurple lights draw and put out…I bet you could get an LED full spec board and it would draw less power as well as give better results.
Also, what others say is true. Mirrors can be quite reflective, so watch for signs of burning. And really, reflectors aren’t that necessary. Plenty of people grow in an open room without them. Flat white paint is an excellent substitute.:+1:

I look forward to your response. In the meantime, why not come over and make things formal? :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome to OG @MerryWanna0303, who ever redirected you here did you a favour.


Welcome to the community @MerryWanna0303 . I’m glad you decided to join us. :v:


That’s quite a collection of clip ons…you’ve got me beat :laughing: Full spectrum are best, but let me recommend some better ones that are stronger in umol

LED Clip ons

Welcome to the OG family @MerryWanna0303


if youre budget/time constrained a couple foamboards from home depot will do a better job than the mirrors. small cheap tent too.

looks like a cosy corner.


Welcome aboard @MerryWanna0303

I don’t know what your budget is but a grow tent can be had for pretty cheap. And you most certainly would want some better lighting for flower. That can also be had without breaking the bank.


Welcome @Merrywanna. Beware since I started hanging around here I have done things with cannabis I never initially intended. I’ve gone from dwc to coco, cloning, breeding and seed collecting. Speaking of seed collecting I even record a letter from customs thanking me for adding to their seed collection. But mostly it’s fun and games as long as the authority having jurisdiction keeps their hands off. But welcome look around meet new folks we pride ourselves on being a happy place for growers to mingle and share ideas.


Welcome to OG @MerryWanna0303! :partying_face: you are now part of the Greatest Show On Earth! :+1::facepunch::peace_symbol:


Absloutely For sure

Amazon clip on lights. Bought 1 full spectrum then my wife bought the cute Lil Amazon grow tray that came with a blurple light…that’s how we learned about blurple. Bought a true red/blue light 1 more full spectrum and 2 red/blue/full for a total of 6 clip on lights…everybody says (could bought a “good” light for that price) purchased them over a few months at discounted prices (wife is a Amazon shopaholic)…so we got em for a steal persay…she also collects mirrors so I had a few spares I could use until I upgrade to a tent… Muddy Waters is his name, brindle shepherd/collie mix.


10 yr outdoor grower…first time indoors, first time on OG.COM

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Working on it currently

Right on! You’ll love it here!


welcome this is the best place to be do you like auto flowers or photo plants :face_with_monocle:

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Haven’t gotten confident enough to purchase seeds…still just growing bag seeds

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