Hidden room build. Help

Here’s something you could look into for your lung room for the high humidity. I would change the water every day running . Unless you have it draining out the house. Hope this helps you can set the humidity at what ever you want and it will run until it reaches the desired RH you have it programmed for then kick off (humidistat)


As far as smell get you a metal duct Y that’s an 8” reduced to a 6”. Then before the air leaves the room to vent out the garage get one of these. They are kinda pricey but I have one as well . For extra precaution.


you probably already havē all theinput you need bu I will add my 14 cents worh anyway . When I upgraded from homemadē boxes to my first tent I wasimediately like " dam this is the best money I ever spent but if I could build out a room that would be my choice every time and someday I hope to tent will be easier and faster and depending on the room to be built tent will be cheaper good luck bud and keep on growing

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I have a 7gph generator from china, I just rigged it into my air out vent. Was running 400+ plant sea of green in an entire basement (30’ x 25’ roughly).
Here’s a 24 gph for less than $40 with shipping.

C$ 9.95 49%OFF | 220 V 24 g 15 g 10 g ozone generator ceramic ozone generator long life ceramic plate ozone generator water purifier air purifier
As long as air is flowing over the plates, you’re golden. I plug my ozone gen. in at least once a week. As it was said earlier in the thread, it smells like a thunderstorm just came through! Totally kills the smell of the cats litterbox…lol