High CBD, Low THC in Canada

Anyone know where I could find an elbow of this type of Cannabis in Canada? Need to make my mother canna caps with the flower


You can get them legal in 5mg increments. Softgels.

I prefer to make my own. It’s so much cheaper.

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I hear you. I think they’re covered by insurance if you have a sympathetic doctor. But I don’t know for sure.

An elbow i can make canna caps for the whole year+

Really? I need to check that out for my mom. Her Dr would do it. She has stage 2 lung cancer. About to start chemo

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Yeah my info is second hand but I got given some THC ones and some cbd ones. I’m not a huge pro cbd guy but the THC ones worked as advertised which is a good sign.

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Ive made her the thc ones, I just need the cbd ones now haha

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You can get cbd distillate, it mixes very easily with your carrier oil, easy to measure doses

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I have some overgrow Canada CBD seeds that were given out by an activist from Western Canada. I forget his name someone else might be able to chime in.


I have the same ones bro, just no time to grow them. Unfortunately

I think they are called Freedom Dream


Yes that’s them


I’ll see what I can find you homie


Would be awesome!


Well, I found some online for 120 an oz shipped. Still looking for a little cheaper. Plus they only allow 30 g at a time

I don’t know exactly what it is you need but I have seed guy from the site hear have gave me as CBD low or no THC ! Does that help you ?

Dana Larsen was the name.

Yes they were called Freedom Dream.

Sorry to say, but my experience with those seeds were not good at all.
A waste of time and space.

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Dana Larsen yes . Well spoken underestimated cannabis warrior imho

I have some CBD beans that were sent to me I have fibro-myalgia and a friend of a friend passed these on to me ! I never have even touch them if your still looking let me know and we can do something cheers happy Saturday!

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I’m in the states but I can send flowers or extract if you are allowed to receive them.