HLVD virus rampant in CA farms

Hop Latent Viroid

Heat-generated HLVd variants (i.e., thermomutants) can infect what otherwise are considered non-susceptible species such as Solanum lycopersicum and Nicotiana benthamiana (Matoušek, 2003).

ALSO interesting. So the heat treatment disables first and then mutates the viroid. Yikes. Getting a wider appettite wasn’t exactly the goal, right?


man, you really are pushing it now. it was a youtube interview with the ceo of tumi, and she explicitly says that h2o2 will not kill hlvd. go away now.


Just holler when it’s time.

@Foreigner is dick prime and I’m an asshole so… let’s make lots of money :musical_note::rofl:

When a thread needs action… :lotion_bottle:



EDIT: totally missed that @royal already posted a link LOL

I got you fam:


I gotta give you props @Dirt_Wizard as you always are sharing great links and resources of information.

Now that I’ve caught up on this thread, I know things can be frustrating, but we all could benefit greatly from sharing the available information and resources.

So let’s try to be kind if we can, and remember we aren’t enemies here or competitors, we are all on the same team so to speak.



Right. I’m pushing it by not wanting to go through an entire hour’s worth of video to see if you’re even making a point correctly. :rofl:

Again, the burden of proof is on the person making the point. I’m sorry if that very basic principle of debate makes you upset, but that’s how it is. Get over yourself.

At what point in the video does she say that? On what surface? At what concentration? For how long? What study was done to prove this? Again, is she talking about seeds and medium or tools? What is the context? These aren’t difficult questions, and it’s perfectly reasonable to ask them.

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What’s the point we’re trying to make here? Are you telling me H2O2 does in fact kill HLVD?

On what surface? At what concentration? For how long? What study was done to prove this? Again, is she talking about seeds and medium or tools? What is the context?


I’m in but we’re going to need at least one more orifice if we’re going to seduce the masses.


The one, singular, point that I’ve made is that, according to TUMI’s own paper linked twice above, H2O2 can be used to sterilize dirt and seeds. Sterility, by definition, means free from microorganisms, which includes Hplvd. At what concentration remains unspecified; I would assume it’s in the range of 1% to 100%.

Like, at least do the courtesy of reading before responding to ask questions that have already been answered multiple times. I’ve said that I’m not talking about tools at least 8 times on this thread, and people still somehow haven’t grasped that very basic concept. It’s almost like people that whine about tone do so because they have nothing to add to a real discussion. Your feelings don’t matter, facts do. If that offends you, look inward.

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And there it is now…

Don’t trust him, he’s more afraid by his own shadow than by everything else ^^ His adrenaline is good, but his serotonin delivery is totally fucked. Too much syrup. He crystallize it too and use it like meth.


Every Abbott needs a Costello.


We are in an unofficial war (second layer) until you give up and that you accept to become a fake breeder. The whole Overgrow is waiting for the Antartikhaze now, fossilized shit took 150% on auctions yesterday. Without speaking about Tom and Sam that are planning to contact Arjan to launch a strain hunters episode in Siberia. From a secured source i can’t quote or name, they have already ordered titanium butt plug to avoid the alien problematic.


We will never surrender and shall move forward valiantly towards breeding perfection while you do some nice graphic design for your packaging.

(But let’s not clutter this thread more than it already has been :joy::+1:)


Smoker’s lounge, we are not saving whales here ^^ But at least i know now why all paths lead to Oregon, sorry Rome.

If the travel is too long, burn the road and eat the horses. A fiesta is always bringing more at the end than a non sense direction.


@Fuel s operation is not environmentally sustainable. I mean shit, he doesn’t even care about the whales!

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I’m also looking for some data that shows tissue culture 100% eliminates this pox on a plant.



this is the closest I could find.

tldr; newer growth is less likely to have hlvd, but not guaranteed. Not sure how tissue culture would change this.


Tissue culture can potentially clean the viroid out. It takes about a year to do and is not guaranteed. It can also lead to other potential problems in the process


I guess a few get it but most are like…image
You can lead a man to knowledge but you can’t make him think.