HLVD virus rampant in CA farms

Tissue culture requires heat or cold treatment over a couple weeks to a month or so and then meristem tissue culture can start.

Two hops cultivars were cleaned of HLVD using two week heat treatment at 35c followed by meristem tissue culture of 0.2mm size meristem.

Four other hops cultivars were cleaned of HLVD using cold treatmeant for a month followed by meristem tissue culture of 0.5mm size meristem.



Viruses and Viroids Infecting Hop Significance Epidemiolog, and Management.pdf (612.0 KB)


Well I need to read all this stuff later and the fellow I got this from has postings of his lab. Not sure if all he does is this or works for another lab or not. He claims it costs about 1K and one year to totally do a tissue culture on a strain/plant. It is a MAC1 and I have one now from a member here that looks good but I wanted to try this tissue culture plant. I hope to order the 10 test package later this week and check both but getting root samples from a teen mom, which is the tissue cultured new clone I just got, Im going to run next, is something Im not sure how to do and not disrupt the plant. I have a spare of the one I already have I can sacrifice along with one each other strain I hold to sacrifice to get root samples.


You found someone offering 1000 tissue culture who absolutely says it will be clean?
I’ve found 5-10k with no absolute certainty

I am not vouching so to speak for this fellow. I am going by what he claims and while I need to go back to re read all he has said about it but initially I got the impression he has tested and tissue cultured all he has. I will submit a sample hopefully next couple weeks when I can spring loose the change to buy the test tubes. Got some home repairs going on at the moment that are draining my mad money. Hope later this week to order and getting root samples from the one he sent me will happen. May not be perfect since I need to keep it growing and its in a 5" pot at the moment filling out more roots since it came in a 3 inch pot of media. My other donor plants/moms are in 5" pots and are a few months old so I can cull them and gather samples. I dont claim to be a degreed botanist or chemist but I can follow along to see and understand at a layman level so my goal is to get my personal moms tested and if not clean will have to cross that bridge. I have the ability to keep them separated and follow good practices for sanitation with cloning and pruning practices. I hope to test my small collection soon and in a few months again. But first things first and get first round done.


Everyone needs to be extremely paranoid and scared, maybe angry, we need to ocrank the loosh up to eleven over this one. We need no clear answers or information only contradictions and lies please, Thanks and well wishes from your archon overlords.

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Assuming most big grows are spreading this thing around. They set up their growing practices before the viroid was know about. They are always cutting at plants making open wounds taking off leaves and branches. Not cleaning equipment between plants. Pumping out tons of contaminated flower and clones every day. What exactly does that mean for everyone? Are their cuttings slowly losing vigor, potency and flavor? Are most of our cuttings going to go to shit soon? I was one of the first that I know of to notice this issue. It all started with the ECSD cut in 2010. Moat likely spread by the ebb and flow reservoir through the roots and using the same razor blade to take cuts.


Is it normal for larger breeders who are selling seeds test their plants for this? I’ve never seen it mentioned on a seed distro site.


Dude now would be the time for a seed breeder to set themselves apart and start testing all their gear. Cretified HLVD Free seed is the future.


Who here is a PUSSY!?! :rofl: Volunteers?

:evergreen_tree: :movie_camera:

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And a slow down style for what should have been an informative topic turned dumpster fire.


For the flag, I will help.

The list, i can be high and productive too :

  • #254 : totally off topic, enjoy.
  • #256 : totally off topic, enjoy.
  • #258 : totally off topic, enjoy.
  • #260 : not so off topic actually.

I really thing that to handle this kind of problematic a true transparency is required, like with cattle.

And that Oregon is facing an ambivalent situation, juggling between high standard and imported genetics that are not build to answer high standards. Even in Humboldt they found Jodrey to speak about this problematic, behind the gross joke there is not chemtrail of aliens.


Well said! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yea got my clone all cleaned and then an aphid from a big farm flew in and injected a virus back into it.

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Ha, aphids are the one insect the studies are saying they can’t prove can actually carry hlvd :sweat_smile:


90% of farms? Well then it’s all over red rover, it’s the great cannabis ‘reset’. The only way around it long term is the breed resistance. Too bad for all the existing genetics. All that cloning free love was always going to end in tears.


Could you link me to that paper or a paper?
I found several studies that talk about aphids speading virus.
Are you suggesting these studies are outdated?

Thanks in advance.


“It has shown to be non-transmissible by aphids in hops.”

I’m not sure what @HolyAngel saw, but I came across this yesterday. Not a great source obviously. Found a few studies talking about various viroid transmission and aphids, but not HLVd.


The aphids walk in the infected fluids they sucked out of infected plants and thier walking in it getting it all over thier feet trailing it to other plants.I don’t see how this doesn’t transmit HLVD?So they say aphids aren’t carriers them selves but what about transporting the viroid in fluids?


I think there’s just not enough research to have a posted study out for it.

I personally would think they could be a vector for exactly the reasons stated here but as NoCal posted for me, there are few papers that have that exact line. Which is why I referenced it. It’s in at least two papers already posted in this thread.


Oh ok, thanks a bunch, I will have to look for it then.
@NoCal Thanks for the link, it is appreciated! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Yea, I would tend to agree, maybe the bug never gets it but can spread it via fluid.
That would seem to make good sense…

I am pretty sure this was just an example of what could happen.
I am pretty sure that is what @Cactus was trying to say with his statement.
Feel free to replace aphid with your bug vector of choice here… :rofl: