HLVD virus rampant in CA farms

Wow, fascinating. Reminds me of when they figured out HIV actually started in the early 1900s-1930s


thanks for posting that. very interesting information, that im glad didnt get lost with time!!!


@Mithridate That’s very interesting!
It’s funny how something like this can be around way before anyone would think it would.


I completely believe the plant virus is real in big farms in CA. Its the fear being placed into every home growers tent that bothers me. It is not this huge problem that should keep people from sharing cuts freely with others. That really is my point. That being said everyone should take the same cautions they always have around protecting their crops, mothers and of course bringing in outside cuts into their home/gardens.


I couldn’t agree with you more!


i used to work with most the big farms in salinas way back in '16 when they were goin online, and they ALL had it at points. always coming from these terribly run nurseries. its all low wage workers, and its spreading like wildfire. home growers will be ok as long as people arent buying seeds from these awful hype breeders that breed with these sickly ass flavor of the week cuts.
even at dispos its all hplv. i scooped some OG cuts hopin to do a quick and dirty little croppin a couple years back, and they were so sick they legit wouldnt grow. when i complained at the dispo they said i sucked at growing. any legal weed in cali right now is fucked, and the only solution is boycott it all.


Testing is the only way to know for sure if you have it. If you trade clones then buyers and sellers should test. I wouldn’t trust a test from the seller so I would also do my own tests when my new cut is in quarantine. Speaking from experience it’s a ticking time bomb inside your plant. It may not hurt it today but the immune system of an old cutting won’t be able to fight off the viroid forever. Yes you can always take cuttings from the healthiest branches and try to force fast growth to run away from the virus but it will catch up. I am worried there’s a certain amount of denial going on here about what we’re actually dealing with.


It’s a shame that big agro can ruin such a beautiful crop such as cannabis/cannabis hemp.


Same dude that made the bonsai mom tutorial and helped preserve pure haze. The legendary oldtimer1. Dude was a real one and incredibly knowledgeable and when when confronted with something that didn’t agree with his accumulated knowledge base he didn’t outright refute it as being incorrect, he saught out more data and consulted other professionals in the horticulture industry. An inspiring open mind. Grateful for you to share that gem @Mithridate. Much love


Oldtimer was ahead of his time in many ways. I think he doesn’t get the recognition he deserves sometimes. Also there’s some incredible OT haze phenos out there if you really look.


This is the type of gaslighting I take offense to. 90% of home growers cannot afford to test leaf, stem, and root. So scaring them into trusting a seller that has 9 wanted strains as mothers. Break this down for you.
300.00 clones sure a seller could pay to test them. Why not what’s the chance of having the virus? 1% maybe. If that
Sell 4 clones at 300 a piece "made a mortgage payment.
Sell 2 more at 300 "made lease payment on brand new F150
That is selling 6 clones. Big Money and why I take offense to scare home growers into not sharing cuts freely.
What, are we really so naive? That we think misinformation and gaslighting stops with cannabis seeds. This is big money and exactly why they are driving the fear home.


Have you ever grown a plant infested with the virus? I think it’s very different when you see it for yourself. You don’t know it at first but every generation gets worse in every way. Slowly killing your prize clones. It’s probably something people will just have to experience themselves to understand. I am very afraid of this shit for a good reason. Go ahead and help spread this disease around if you want. That’s ultimately your decision as a grower.


The dudding of elite clones has been talked about for many years. There are threads from 2010 and before speaking of this. It is a problem for everybody.

These giant Cali farms had to get their sick clones from somewhere to begin with and let me tell you is was 100% from a regular dude …

With clones once closely held now widely available, it’s not a matter of finding a real cut no more but finding a real cut thats not dudded.

Sdubb anyone?


seriously! they scammed and kicked out all the legacy growers. so now its just young kids who dont know any better and the delusional corporate mindset. all anyone talked about was growing the most. how to be the only grower in cali and shit. then they all found out those small scale growers that put out a couple hundred lbs a year werent so dumb after all. ive seen legal farms trying to peddle 1000s of year old lbs while growin 1000s more. they think they can do the walmart model. but when people get introduced to quality buds, they wont even look at that mass grown boof. but ive said that to investors in meetings and they said i dont understand scaleability lol. thats what happens when only big money gets to play. the patients start running the asylum.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: “The Defense Rests”

Bro just start some fire seeds and pheno hunt the ones that call out to you like a respectable grower should. Don’t ride on the coattails of other breeders plants. Go out there and find your own elite clones. Biggest mistake I ever made was taking other people’s cuttings. The power is in the seed! I say ban all clone trading. I’m hardcore though. lol


and here they come folks

Spoken like someone who has never witnessed the viriod.
If you had your opinion would be much different.

It’s horrible and I would not wish it upon anyone. It trashed all my mother stock I found through years of seed hunting hundreds of seeds.
So I know all to well that it’s real and home growers can get it and spread it to others.

It’s not just in the big farms in Cali, it’s spreading everywhere.

Is it in every home grow no, it’s obviously not.
But if you bring in clones or pop seeds from breeders, then there is a chance it will get into your garden.
I think all breeders and clone sellers should have to test all mothers.

And the fact it seems like oldtimer1 was talking about it in 99 says it’s been around alot longer than we thought.
It probably wasn’t as prevalent back then as clones weren’t passed around as much as today.

Not to mention one of the biggest nursery in Cali for the longest time was passing out the viriod in the clones they sold. Dark heart has made the viriod alot worse by selling viriod positive plants for geez what a decade or more. Then they would “test” your plants for you and always give home growers negative tests on some obviously positive plants. They are a disgrace to the cannabis community.


I think you may be touching on an important topic of how people react to news of a possible infection. Some people react with mild curiosity and others will burn down their entire grow throw out all their equipment and start over based on some discolored and wrinkled leaves. How much precaution is too much? Too little? to “stay safe” it boils down to personal choice. Very interesting to see the different reactions, courses of action and reaction from the cannabis money making apparatus. Why not just give out free clean clones to battle the virus? Free seeds? Eventually you take the money out of it and the incentive to hype fear would leave and a appropriate response to the issue might emerge. Idk, interesting issue.


I say again.
“It’s not rocket science. If you scare enough home growers into not sharing cuts freely. There you go.”