HLVD virus rampant in CA farms

Yes you would notice that, I thought you were saying you could tell in veg. Sometimes you can tell in veg and sometimes you can’t.
I also had a plant(apple fritter) that was positive that never dudded on me.
I tried to keep one to flower one last time and it infected the other plants I had that tested negative before.so I tossed it, and everything else
I noticed in veg that some of my mothers that had tested negative started showing signs of the viriod so I tested them again and they were positive.

I’m just giving my experience, you guys all do whatever floats your boat. I’m just putting my experience out there in hopes it helps others avoid this shitty viriod.
I have all this info my grow journal.

Whether I sling clones or not I would share my experience in hopes of helping others. But hey if anyone thinks otherwise that’s your opinion and not much I can do about it :man_shrugging:


I had a talk with Kevin from Medical Genomics.
He is doing a large study on HLVD and had a recent press release, though its a bit anecdotal

Out of 70 plants he infected with the viroid, only 4 showed positive on a leaf test.
The roots need to be tested for accuracy. And even then, 7 tested negative with a root test.
Part of the problem is PCR. This method can have as much as a 50% false positive/negative, just like with herpes testing, or like with covvvid testing.

Kevin said H202 does nothing to kill it. Only bleach works, and he recommends 10% or greater solution.
Its safer to take in cuttings and dunk em in a bleach solution and then root them than to take in rooted cuts and spray with bleach

Here at the farm, we mandate whoever sends us clones to do an HLVD test on root and plant material before we take anything in.


Most testing protocols for vroids (rna based not dna based) don’t use LAMP or even traditional PCR testing. They use qPCR which still uses multiple heating stages using a thermal cycler just like a normal PCR test would but instead of of relying on a color changing solution to tell you whether the vroid is present (and thats all it can tell you, not how many copies of that vroid were present) the qpcr process uses florescence illumination to actually watch and count the number of vroid copies that are being created during the thermal cycler process. This will give them a curve to review and compare with a baseline of how many copies of the vroid need to be observed in order to be considered “infected”.

If no vroids are present in the tissue sample there is nothing that will get multiplied during the thermal cycling for the qpcr machine to observe, The primers used in those tests only amplify and multiple very specific dna stands (whatever is being tested for). So the likely hood of a false positive is low unless the primers used are multiplying dna strands it not supposed to and those are being counted by the qpcr device. This could be a potential issue if labs are using primers for their experiments that might not have been developed specifically for cannabis but I havent heard of this being an issue.


It’s not some clone dealer conspiracy lol. Grasping at straws. The guy I got it from was a now-defunct small time clone seller in Michigan, not some big Cali farm. It’s even in Europe now. It only takes one cut, shared water or tools. You likely won’t even know anything is wrong the first run.

It is very real and if you take in enough cuts you’ll get it too. Ask me how I know.

But since you think you know better, by all means, buy all the clones you can.

“Pride cometh before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall”.


The amount of posts that person shitted up this thread with from a place of ignorance is astounding. Considering he himself said he doesn’t know much about it this would have been a good opportunity for him to shut his mouth and open his ears and possibly learn something. But I guess its just more entertaining to posts dozens and dozens of worthless comments in a thread that you can’t contribute to.

This seems to be what Overgrow is all about these days. A handful of very loud very disrespectful people that want to hijack legit threads and turn it into there own personal chat log where they “own” people and pat each other on the back about how cool it is to be a dick.


Ignorance is very dangerous.
I would rather test, take precautions and be careful not to lose any plants and not give HLVD to anyone.
As the world slowly moves towards legalization this will only get worse if it is ignored. I am no expert in the matter and hopefully the testing will get better, it already has and the scientists who study this are gathering more and more information.
If using scissors dipped in a bleach solution, being careful sharing water between plants or avoiding mixing plant fluids helps keep a garden safe, why wouldn’t everyone do it?
50% transmission rates in seeds, now that is crazy!


50% transmission rates in seeds, now that is crazy!

Where did that number come from? I’m researching the crap out of this subject and haven’t heard that yet. If we can stop the transmission from seed we might be able to control this thing someday.


@Chara It was in the video I posted by Dr Punja.
This is why I believe HLVD should be taken seriously.


How about this Boron stuff everyone talks about? Will that stop transmission?

On a serious note, that is a dirty viroid


Thanks for posting the video. Everything he says makes perfect sense and is in line with my own experiences. I just watched it again and picked up a few more things I missed the first time. I think a lot of people don’t want to admit it’s this bad and hope talk of viroids will just go away.


super pm strain from la had guys dumping all their gear right on the side of the venice canal.
would see flood trays just sitting there when walking the dog.

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Not my seeds, my precious seeds :cry:

50% is extremely high…

Ot1 in 1999 seemed to think he got it from seed stock.

That’s bad, man.


Oh wow this viroid could have always been in cannabis plants for millions of years. It’s fascinating to think about these things sometimes. Nature is always testing the limits of creation.


Yeah I have to say that’s the first I’ve ever heard of ‘50%’. The number I had seen sited in older papers was maybe ~8% transfer rate to seed :thinking:


its 50% potential false positives.
1st study was 8% in hops.
follow up study showed 0.5% over a 10 year time frame:

we know nothing.


I think it’s man made and can be cured with an oscillation beam ray :kissing_heart:


How long will the viroid lay dormant between grows?


I was wondering the same. Like if you got it in your outdoor inground plants, is your farm just trash now? Or will your soil heal itself over time?



Oh word. So when I shut down for the past 6 months, I should be straight even without any cleaning. Unless it’s in my seeds.