HLVD virus rampant in CA farms

cant edit this because of slow mode but its 2 infected plants with under 0.5% viral load over a 10 year time frame


If it is a PCR test, you only need to keep cycling long enough and you will end up with a positive test. :wink:


The long-term solution to HLVd is to breed resistant cultivars that do not experience yield or potency loss. This is the case in hops, where HLVd is rampant, but it does not cause significant financial harm to the crop.


Ive been wondering since 2018 if cannabis will soon be grafted to resistant root stocks just as the vineyard industry has done


Can you explain this a bit more. My understanding is that the solution B part of PCR tests use specific primers to target and multiply very specific dna strands (whatever dna you are looking for). If those dna strands do not exist in the tissue sample then nothing gets multiplied and how would you get a false positive?

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Slow thread uh… .meant to say this earlier…

Guy that came up with pcr tests said they cannot be used to diagnose. Won a noble prize etc

He’s mostly known as the guy always on lsd :joy:


Well yes and no, if you look for answers via google you will find nothing but bullshit lies.
But if you know how to dig deep the truth is still out there.
How many cycles were being run for the covid tests?
Too many and that is where A symptomatic term comes from.
The test was positive but you have no symptoms, what a concept. :thinking:
Anything above 36 Ct is just dead nucleotides, period


Has any info come out about how long it stays in the ground or how it over winters?


exactly what I’m saying :wink:

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What do you think how it was transmitted between the plants in your garden?

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You can spray bleach on plants and it doesn’t hurt them?

I’m not 100% sure how it infected the rest of my plants. It could have been from when watering or from my clothes. I tried to keep them from touching but maybe they did🤷‍♂️

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This was said several times in this thread but it would seem repeating it is in order.

My man @tamimes has taken virus infected plants all the way to flower without the plants showing signs of a virus.
The virus was a non factor for his grow.
He gave real world tips on how to do this too.
Yes the plants can probably still transmit the virus but it did not effect quality or yield and those are the 2 biggest complaints about the virus.

I personally thought this was pretty big news, but one must judge for one’s self. :wink:


Lots of people have grown great harvests while having infected plants. Some varieties are more tolerant to the infection than others. But the long term propagation of infected mothers will ultimately lead to the degradation of the next generation of cuttings. And on and on until you notice the symptoms eventually. And you won’t be able to grow any other strains besides the few that are more tolerant to the viroid if you have infected plants growing close by. My point is you might be able to work around the infection for awhile but if you don’t keep up with it you will be sorry.


In my opinion exploring salt tolerant root stocks has immense potential with both grapes and cannabis. Even the grafted stocks eventually get hammered by something given long enough. If the plants aren’t being improved, my thought is that it would seem likely the bacteria populations trying to ravage it before harvest are doing everything within their ability to improve so they can best take advantage of their available resources.

Without redundancy and backups in breeding elite germplasm, it’s bound to fail spectacularly.

Even if a lab can clean something up through tissue culture, it doesn’t necessarily give it more total resistance. I have a feeling some plants are already quite salt tolerant and just need to be looked for. Much love


I haven’t tried it but i’m guessing it WILL hurt them. Folks are talking about a very diluted water & bleach solution.

I accidentally sprayed 100% straight white vinegar on a small plant and it burned gnarly spots into the leaves that didn’t heal.


I don’t know anything about viruses but I have sprayed my plants with 10% bleach with no issue.


You can dunk unrooted cuts in bleach, then rinse them off. Old tek from back in the 2000’s when dudding was a big thing. This was before EM-1 / PNSB hit the market and solved those problems


Are you saying dunk cuttings into a bleach solution will completely eliminate HLvD in the cuttings?

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Idk about ‘completely’ but it would help. Just rinse off before plugging. Or place in a jug of water to get plain water back into the xylem.
Unrooted cuttings can handle much more stress than rooted cuts. Used to send and receive cuttings across the pond and clones didnt work nearly as well.