🤯 Holy Carp! It's Pigeonman's 2023 OuTdOoRs ThReAd!

So I smoked a few bowls of the Zamaldelica this morning with the missus around 9am… and only stopped moving at 2pm. :rofl: :+1:

To say at minimum: it’s great stuff! Grow it if you got it!!!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Now for what happened during those hours???
A fuck-tonne load of gardening that’s what!!!


Press :play_or_pause_button: :

The ladies are outside waiting to fill their holes. (not dug yet for the plants, missus gets it when she wants.)

The garden pussy always coming to give their sign-off.

I set-up our event 10x10 so I didn’t die in the sun; then set out the tarp and brought out all the goodies!

More goodies on the side with the earth worm castings and sheep shit holds down the tarp.

Mushroom compost!!:

I dumped an entire bail of Promix BX onto the tarp, then a full bag of EWC and sheep shit with a little bit of basalt rock dust, insect frass, bone meal and blood meal.

By hand this was mixed thoroughly until it was a uniform looking and feeling loose mass. (Like your Mom last Tuesday.)

I dug out the thickest root mass parts of the fabric pots used last year and set that aside in a tub to reuse with other plants (sunflowers). I left the hole in there to add the mushroom compost first.

And then the mush-nuggests:

I did the same with the in ground holes. FUN NOTE: I’ve never grown outdoors in ground before!

And then I planted everything followed by a good soaking with rainwater before putting on the cages.

Florida Ditch Weed:

Manitoba Poison 1:

Delicatessen’s Queen Mother Sativa:

Texada Timewarp 1:

Buddha’s Cane S1:

Florida Ditch Weed 2:

Manitoba Poison 2:

Texada Timewarp 2:

UK Cheese:

It’s been a long and strong puttering day and I’m now super tired so the missus ordered pizza and off I go to bong and then eat.

All the best OG FAM!
