🤯 Holy Carp! It's Pigeonman's 2023 OuTdOoRs ThReAd!

That’s great, man. Very nice, relaxing looking space you’ve created there.


Absolutely beautiful setup :star_struck:


That’s one of my favorite episodes of Bob’s :rofl::laughing::rofl:


Same here lol


sick yard man. here for the carp


Nice yard :+1:
You have brugmansias on the front porch?
I grow them too, they sleep in my basement all winter.


Thanks @FieldEffect !

@ix3u & @blowdout2269 , me too! My partner knows when it comes on imma gonna do a dance… just like when “Hot Pants Rain Dance” comes up!!!

Thanks growmie! :metal:

Oh yeah! They block folks from staring into the house in the summer and all the houses know when my 1ft flowers are in bloom as you start smelling them at night a few houses down the road in all directions! :rofl: :+1:


Big mama coon doing her thing.



Is that a pet or a stray?


She lives somewhere in the area and does her rounds. This brashness is due to her recently having her litter so she’s calorie desperate feeding those growing kids.

We are grateful she is timid and tame but we keep our distance. This is a cycle and only when breeding.

There’s a fuck-huge graveyard around the corner with a river in it so her family has no excuse to freeload otherwise.


Do they not bury the dead in this grave yard ? Why would it be a food source? Not trying to be smart ass I’m actually curious cause that made me pause for a second. That is a beautiful yard


“Do you dig graves?”
“Yeah man I think they’re groovy.”

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Fruit trees, berries, etc. It’s a forest with a river in it occupied by the dead. I’m surrounded by green space rich in resources so they shouldn’t be mooching from humans for much.

I mean the space is only 697 125 square m in a massive residential zone so they better appreciate what they have! It’s actually SO BIG there’s a resident family of coyotes that live and breed in there!!! :heart:

It’s also not far from the lake, which clearly is a massive food resource for all the animals including the occasional deer walking down the street :rofl: :+1: (pretty rad considering I’m in the largest urban centre of Canada!)

T.dot is rife with green space and “corridors” which animals can still move around in relative safety from the urban sprawl. You can see from this satellite view of my hood how a deer can get around pretty easy considering the amount of accessible pathways they have all over and down to and from the lake.

On a fun note; I just called this family “Canadian Pandas” and not “Trash Pandas” because they have been so polite! No garbage digging, no damage to the property or plants.

The only one that they piss off is my neighbour who gets angry with them every year during :grapes: season! :rofl:

Now in the 80’s when my Grandparents had an above ground pool the raccoons were a nussance as they shit up the deck often and if they fell into the water when trying to take a drink the usually punctured the liner and then my Grandpa would get up to find the garden FLOODED and a costly repair bill to deal with…

No more pool no more problems other than my water lily tub which is now covered. As a bonus we also have opossum’s, more tree rodents than I can count (squirrels), occasional foxes, migrating and local songbirds with nests everywhere, and all the pussy you could want wondering around (feral cats, aka: garden lions).



That’s cool! Hey I can see your plants from satellite pics damn what you growing in son?:joy::joy::joy:


So I smoked a few bowls of the Zamaldelica this morning with the missus around 9am… and only stopped moving at 2pm. :rofl: :+1:

To say at minimum: it’s great stuff! Grow it if you got it!!!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Now for what happened during those hours???
A fuck-tonne load of gardening that’s what!!!


Press :play_or_pause_button: :

The ladies are outside waiting to fill their holes. (not dug yet for the plants, missus gets it when she wants.)

The garden pussy always coming to give their sign-off.

I set-up our event 10x10 so I didn’t die in the sun; then set out the tarp and brought out all the goodies!

More goodies on the side with the earth worm castings and sheep shit holds down the tarp.

Mushroom compost!!:

I dumped an entire bail of Promix BX onto the tarp, then a full bag of EWC and sheep shit with a little bit of basalt rock dust, insect frass, bone meal and blood meal.

By hand this was mixed thoroughly until it was a uniform looking and feeling loose mass. (Like your Mom last Tuesday.)

I dug out the thickest root mass parts of the fabric pots used last year and set that aside in a tub to reuse with other plants (sunflowers). I left the hole in there to add the mushroom compost first.

And then the mush-nuggests:

I did the same with the in ground holes. FUN NOTE: I’ve never grown outdoors in ground before!

And then I planted everything followed by a good soaking with rainwater before putting on the cages.

Florida Ditch Weed:

Manitoba Poison 1:

Delicatessen’s Queen Mother Sativa:

Texada Timewarp 1:

Buddha’s Cane S1:

Florida Ditch Weed 2:

Manitoba Poison 2:

Texada Timewarp 2:

UK Cheese:

It’s been a long and strong puttering day and I’m now super tired so the missus ordered pizza and off I go to bong and then eat.

All the best OG FAM!



I feel tired now after reading that post :grin:
That’s a lot of work. Well done :+1:

  1. What a beautiful yard… I live in the desert so I’m jealous!

  2. What an update.

  3. I actually listed to the entire music video looking at all the pics! :wink:

Looks to be a great outdoor run there @Pigeonman!


Nice set up @Pigeonman, Im jealous I can’t grow out in the open. Nice line up.


Absolutely gorgeous garden and a fantastic writeup


Show has begun. Lots going on here kids. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol: