🤯 Holy Carp! It's Pigeonman's 2023 OuTdOoRs ThReAd!

Naw Celia is our poochie!

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Lol!!! I take it she likes corn chips? :slight_smile:

It’s actually MUCH CUTER because this smell is “built in”. :rofl:

She’s a high-anxiety at all times rescue so she’s VERY corn-chip a lot of the time and it’s adorable!


Awesome :heart_eyes:


wanted to update you on your poison daddy i grew. . you have so much going on i thought here might be good so more people will see your fine work.
i am sure you can relate to this, the growing season is official over in my neck of the woods.

top of my first customers car of the day. mother nature and the north wind are simply amazing. nothing like crawling into a rolling freezer top of the mornin.
for some reason @Heliosphear comes to mind. hope he likes this and is free to use the image.

i push em hard to the end. just like you . i just love the fade on the poison daddy.

so looking forward to enjoying your gift of generosity from the “Halloween give away Poison Daddy.” thank you kindly. the zoom is crazy.


DUUUUDE! Looks freaking amazingsauce @mainerJ ! Congrats on a job well done!



i am humbled by your kind words. thanks for taking it easy on me. :laughing:


I’d have to agree with the man himself.
That does look amazing, great job!
I’ll have to drop some of those soon too. :grin:


Okay… as this was my first time ever making bubble hash, and it’s out of seed run dust collected over 3+ years I don’t feel to bad about this. I also only used 1/2 of the total dust mass so I can do this again with another bag of ice.

All items needed put together. This will be the same way i’ll use the washing machine with the fresh-frozen but wanted to get my shit together with this old trim first sans the washer and instead a 5gallon fish tank!

I’m only using 220 and 73 bags. Next round may be 220 (junk to toss), 120 (1st collection) 73 (second collection), 25 (third collection). I’m hesitant to use the 25 because fuck it too much work principles. :rofl:

Cut buckets hold the bags, three 4" holes at the base of the full bucket for drainage into the 74L bin.

The goods waiting for it’s bath.

Up close.

I tossed 1/2 off the dried plant mass into the tank, then 1/2 of the ice and covered this with cold water. I then added the rest of the ice and then added cold water with 1" clearance from the top of the tank.

With a hand-mixer I went back and forth agitating the mass on low for 10 freaking minutes.

It looked like the worst ice-tea ever when I was done, the tank opaque with cold.

The plant mass soaked up water and floated to the top leaving a sludge at the bottom unseen through the deep brown of the horror water. :rofl: :scream:

I scooped off the plant mass and kept it aside as I’m gonna freeze it to process again when I have more ice.

Then I strained the liquid with a small section of hose into the bag assembly.

Once the tank was empty, I flushed it with cold water and poured the wash out to join the siphoned mass. This meant plenty of water flushed the biomass in the 220 bag before was removed, wrung out and dumped into the soaked plant material for later.

Eventually there was little water left and I was able to lift the mass collected in the 73u bag.

I was rather chuffed seeing this up close after washing it all into a small pile to drain out before pressing.

Spooning the material of the 73 screen onto the 25 with paper towel under was tedious but done. I then folded over the 25 and pressed by hand over and over wringing out the towel until the mass was all crumbly and looking like this:

I turned everything over onto a small plate and chopped it up increasing the surface area.

Now the plate is in the freezer; I’ve seen so many OGers do this to dry out bubble so I’m following along.

@Foreigner , @Floyd , @JoeCrowe if you the time, please let me know how I can improve with the next batch and how best to go about finalizing this round that’s in the freezer. :pray:

All the screens have been washed with 99% ISO then cold water and are now hanging to dry. No clogging for this guy regardless of how new this is to me! :rofl:

Thanks folks for reading this is a wild ride!


Sure I have some tips! Don’t use iso to clean the screens and for a performance batch make sure to use fresh green buds. Other than that, try to rip it in a week.


It all looks great. Cool idea with the aquarium.

I like the 45 but that’s a judgement call.

Only thing I might suggest would be a quick “wash” once it’s been collected in the 73. Makes it a bit cleaner.

Also I keep my collecting spoon in a cup of ice water it makes it easier.

But really I have very little to add except very nice job.


Thanks @JoeCrowe & @Foreigner !

What should i clean with if not iso? :thinking:

How xoes the “wash” after collection work?

Great suggestions! Thank you!


If you put them in the freezer it will flake clean with a smash.

I use ISO but I consider my bags disposable after a half dozen uses.


How long should i keep the cruble in the freezer?

And am i correct to use a glass bottle with boiling water to crush and press out the cruble after dried in between a folded section of parchment paper?


I’m not a freezer guy so I don’t know.

I’ve had really good quality hash stick to parchment. I use turkey roasting plastic bags which I guess are a kind of cellophane.


Ooh! Oben bags great suggestion!


It’s hard to explain but you need to do fast rips not slow pulls. It separates pretty easily with the right technique

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I put my bags into the freezer and then crumble the bag to extract the hash dust. If it really needs to be cleaned you can use ethyl alcohol(grain alcohol) or vegetable oil and detergent/soap. Isopropyl kicks the piss out of bubble bag fabric aka nylon. Chemical interaction chart says “extreme”.


You can but the last time I made some I left it in the freezer for about a month. Then I just scraped it into the corner of a ziploc and worked/pressed it by hand.
Ended up with this.


@Pigeonman when I rolled in and saw the fish tank and 3 years of rubble floating up top I was like whaaaaaaaa the hella?!? You’ve already got lots of responses as to how the clarify your hash, I’m sure you’ll get it worked out. I usta make bubble hash with bubble bags and Ice and drill with a paddle spinner… I just asked the wife for a set of bubble bags for Christmas, Thanks for the inspiration.

@Floyd you never fail to impress. :sunglasses: