🤯 Holy Carp! It's Pigeonman's 2023 OuTdOoRs ThReAd!

I blame watching this documentary:



Miami cannabis was a mix of Jamaica and Mexico bales.


Woo thanks didn’t know this one, going to try to find it for tonight :grinning:

I kinda remember people from NYC saying in an ITW columbian weed came from Jamaica, through Florida. An ITW by Kevin Jodrey during his trip in Jamaica. I might be super wrong though, my memory is not what it used to be. Wonder why… Can’t be weed…

What were we talking 'bout already?

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It’s a free watch on Hulu. So sayeth my PLEX server :rofl:


Very nice Timewarp!


I knew you’re a geek! No PLEX or hulu here, I’ll go “darkweb” :stuck_out_tongue: Wish me luck!


Ain’t heard that word in a while! Made me chuckle. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


What is Choad? I haven’t heard that one.
@Pigeonman looking great! I love this time of year. I must have missed your Queen Mother smoke report. This is a cutting from one you tried, right? How does it smoke?
Those Texadas are chunking up quickly. First time I’ve seen pics outside High Times magazine.
Those ditch weed plants do look Mexican with those upright branches. I like how they bud nice to the base of the branch. Looks like you are in for a treat! What’s the scoop on that one? Why is it called ditch weed?


Yooooo! You’re growing every species under the sun!!! Holyyyyy what an ecosystem you got there. Unbelievable!

Nice job man! Something to be proud of for sure.

Your bud sights seems more developed than mine… wtf is wrong with my plants?! They are barely showing anything and I thought they were a little behind before but after seeing yours now I’m concerned they’re not finishing on time :grimacing:



Nope! this is the same QM i’ve been growing out since Jan! :rofl:

I felt the same! Thanks for confirming suspicions! :smiley:

A buddy of mine got seeds from a friend that was a grower in Ft. Meyers that years prior collected seeds from the ditches of Key West hence the nickname: “Florida Ditch Weed”. My buddy has been growing it out in Southern Ontario for over 10 years and uses it for his cannabis infused catering business. :ok_hand:

Thanks for the love neighboureeno! :grin: :+1:

UGH! It’s been a weird year for sure. Part of this is because I had been vegging these plants out since dec/jan, so when they got outside and then the SMOKE HIT for so long the Texada Timewarp and the Florida Ditch Weed plants jumped into flower and never looked back. :man_shrugging:


Any idea of ditch weed flowering time?

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@Upstate I’m told it’ll finish up by the start of Oct here at 43N but I think these will be ready in Sept based on what I’m seeing up close. :+1:

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Ahhh, ok I’m much less worried now. At least you’ll get an early harvest and won’t have to battle the elements!


Update time!

Texada Timewarp: (@ShitSeeds )

RocBud Inc. Autoflower 2022 Freebie: (@pharmerfil )

UK Cheese:

Florida Ditch Weed:

Queen Mother Sativa: (@US3RNAM3 )

Florida Ditch Weed:

RocBud Inc. Autoflower Freebie 2022: (@pharmerfil )

Texada Timewarp: (@ShitSeeds )

Buddhas Cane S1 (@ShitSeeds )

Heathcliff is happy getting wet food.

The birds are loving the waterfall in the sun.

And my new Eucalyptus is up potted and starting to establish itself!

Thanks for stopping on by!

:v: :grin:


Gardens looking great as usual @Pigeonman


Thanks for the update, everything looks great!

Curious what sort of scents/aromas are coming off that Florida ditch weed? Any idea on what the lineage may be?


Sup Heathcliff. :sunglasses:


@Upstate and I are :thinking: :mexico:

Mrs. Pigeon is in British Columbia (Victoria) visiting her family for a wedding so she’s out of town for a few weeks. She is his primary caregiver as well as Bubbles our :parrot: with me with the bulk of the garden, all the indoor plants, Qugley our :lizard: and we both look after Celia :dog: .

But Heathcliff :cat: is very needy and getting depressed she’s not around (only day 3!) so I’ve been doing my best to comfort him. Celia :dog: is worse, she stays on the couch sad and submissive all day even when I’m home and only eats dinner refusing breakfast :sob: . I try to bring her upstairs but then she before-us-trauma pees the couch so I have to be careful as even though getting her with me is better socially it’s also a thin line before she has a full on panic attack.

Thanks for all the love folks! Makes me :blush: !

Gonna do some major things downstairs now. Playing :fish: jazz for the bird while I putter.



The RocBud Inc. 2022 Freebies have been cropped!

It was day 70 and the purple tall-as-fuck pheno was starting to show signs of fall-bullshit, aka PM and Bud-rot, but literally it was barely noticeable but I don’t think waiting a week will work out so chopping time it was.

Next weekend will prob be 2 days of cropping the Texada Timewarp(s)!!

Tall purple plant:

Shorter green plant:

Cleaned up before wash:

Washed and drip-drying before the controlled week long RH% drop:



(*edit: I was baked and posted this in my indoor thread by accident :rofl:)


& they hang!

RH% controlled by an AC Infinity Cloudforge T3!

::v: :grin:


Damn… looks like i’ll be cropping the Texada Timewarps ASAP! :drooling_face: