🤯 Holy Carp! It's Pigeonman's 2023 OuTdOoRs ThReAd!

This! Two doors so no one gets trapped, and we’re gonna install skylights, a shelf, and a camera soon enough.

There’s a heated house in there as this is intended to be a “winter home” for our little feral furry fuckers. :ok_hand:


Lil’ update about the outside tree/bushes:

1: 2 days ago I defoliated a pile of larger fan leaves from all the fabric pot plants.

2: Over the week in between the rains they all got fed both flowering a/b, worm casting + molasses tea, shooting powder.

3: It’s the start of “fuckery season”, so after waiting 2 days for the plants to heal from the plucking today I mixed up 200ml of 3% H202 + 1800ml of tap water + 2 heaping teaspoons of potassium bicarbonate and sprayed down everything like it was on fire. This will alter the PH on the leaves and hopefully keep PM from even thinking about it (this on-top of the careful curation of genetics which have been proven to have more resistance than most)

Will take some photos tomorrow and I’ll be giving them all fishhead farms fish later this week.



Interesting approach, preemptive pH change. I’m making a mental note of that in case I ever deal with PM.

What’s the Shooting Powder? I looked it up but no details as to what it actually is. P-K booster by the sounds of it.

Been considering getting some FishSh!t myself. You like it?


From their description: “This flowering booster starts a new flowering cycle after the regular flowering phase”.

I usually use this stuff indoors only, but this year with the smoke making everything flower way early I say fuck it and am trying it out. I didn’t make up a full dose though as I don’t want to risk the plants not finishing in time before bad weather or early chop.

The 2x Texada Timewarp plants look like they’ll be ready come Sept 1st!
The 2x Florida Ditch Weed plants prob mid Sept.
The 2x RocBud Autoflowers will be done before the end of Aug.

Other wise I’m seeing obvious flower action in the Queen Mother Sativa which I expect to go until sometime in October along with the UK Cheese.

The only one I’m concerned about is the Buddhas Cane S1 which is at the same progress as the QMS… but I know from fellow growmies the buds can be prone to budrot if the weather gets nasty which is another reason I’m doing the preventative approach this year.


Interesting. So you are actually trying to slightly delay finishing?

That QMS sounds like a winner, really curious how that turns out. I picked up a pack this spring contemplating running them

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I just ordered some for my plants. Thanks!


Not really, but it may end up happening.

I know with BudBusterPro it’s always advisable to assume you’ll need to tack on 1-2 more weeks in flower to finnish so i can’t use it for outdoors unless its a fast autoflower.


So my little bb#3 clone didn’t stretch for shit but is starting to stack. It’s normal/advisable to defol around wk3 flower outside? This outside small plant thing kinda throwing me for a loop.
Love the kitty condo! I grew up in lake Michigan and got Canada temps and lake effect snow. We had 3-5 dogs at any given time and built them a killer doghouse.framed in around piece of plywood floor stapled r19 between studs paneling on inside plywood wall outside. Removable roof that just set on top and weight kept in place. It was paneled insulated plywood tar paper and shingled. 3 doggy doors made out of 1/2 truck mud flap rubber. Lots of straw and cedar chips. It was so warm in there I’d climb in with 3 labs and take coat off and chill. Crazy what we do for our little cute friends.


I go with my gut, and with the RH% raising and not being able to actually see any of the interior branches told me to thin things out.

It happens! One of my favourite small plants outside was grown by @Foreigner and it was like 3"?



Yeah but that 2 grams was :fire::fire::fire: :joy:


Please find us a photo of that majesty! :rofl:

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Jeez really making me work for it :joy:

I don’t remember if it was any good.


Would you say it’s sufficient at doing that? Does it really add that much more bloom time? If so, I want to understand the chemical reaction taking place. Could be Papaya enzymes, but I doubt it.

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Here you go @insaneyanish , read up yo! :sunglasses:



@Pigeonman just caught up here. Your plants and yard look fantastic and I’m jealous of your PawPaw trees.


Thanks @MonasticDank !



Lmao mine isn’t an auto though!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Update time! I was very focused on the indoor grow this weekend so I delayed here.

To start things off, the Florida Ditch Weed (in ground) has decided it wants to be a Mexican Tree!

Nice little nuggies filling in.

As an FYI: I’m 5’7" and my reach is 7’; I’ll measure this fucker eventually.

In the same raised bed is the second RocBud Inc. AutoFlower looking GREAT!

Green clouds vs the purple of the other plant, but smells sweet and bud formation is stunning. :ok_hand:

This CHOAD of a plant/bush is the Texada Timewarp (in ground). It’s stunning but about 1/3 of the size of the TT that’s in the fabric pot. :rofl:

REALLY SEXY FLOWERS THOUGH! Just check out that stackin’!

The UK Cheese has the least action going on the pistil front and seems to still be stretching. Definitely sticking around until mid/late October like a stubborn Scot balls out in a kilt fighting the British

The one, the ONLY, Queen Mother Sativa:

I have NO SPACE but I’ve decided I need to take some cutting of this fantastical spicy mama-mia!

@ShitSeeds very own Buddhas Cane S1 :+1:

RocBud Inc. Feebie Autoflower; the PURPLER!


The Are you fucking kidding me?! fast pheno Texada Timewarp, anyone liking these plants I got the seeds from @ShitSeeds and as you can see the gear he carries is def worth your time! :drooling_face:


I started with the in-ground FDW and am ending this post with the 20 gallon fabric pot Florida Ditch Weed:

The buds on this one are longer and thinner than the other. @Upstate my gut is telling me these plants ancestry seems out of Mexico and I’d love your 2c! :hugs:

Cheers folks and have as good of a Monday as Monday will let you!!!



Wow, everything is really coming together over there. Holy Buds! Looking fantastic.

How about those early TTs. Nice to see some action already, eh? Should be done real fast.
Looks like Buddhas Cane is starting to look really Buddhas Cane-like now.

Claps all around as always!


Very nice @Pigeonman thanks for sharing this great looking plants!

Queen mother was really appreciated in Spain, I’m sure you’ll love it.

if this Florida Ditch Weed is really from Florida, maybe there’s more chance it has columbian lineage? I sort of understood east coast had columbian weed while mexican weed was more a west coast thing.