Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Awesome! Glad to hear they’re doing great over there :muscle:
Definitely interested to see how yours turn out! The White x TKBX3 sounds really interesting too!

Bandaid’s are still looking rough from the azamax and the cup falling on them. We’ll see if they turn around and get me some mom’s. I’ll come back and flower them out in the fall. August/September-ish. Right now I’m living vicariously through @iamyou_youareme’s current grow of them.

I honestly don’t think they’ll be that great :sweat_smile: Least compared to my current C5/A5 stuff, but won’t know until I try. Lot of hype surrounding these cuts so we’ll see.

:heart_eyes: :star_struck: :heart_eyes:

Killin it as always over there VAkish!! Damn!
I see a lot of mom(grandma) in that one. Looks like a keeper from here! Looking forward to the report on that stuff. I still need to run those beans!