Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Well we’ll have to change that won’t we :wink:


Haven’t had any Irene or pure bubba yet yet can’t wait to get into stanknugzz grandmas dog ( Irene x dog patch ) I won in a naming contest to try something with Irene would be a cool cut to get too hoping I find a bubbashine pheno in the blue Tara I’m getting seeing there might be a decent chance as the snow lotus male is suppose to let the mother shine through would be amazing to find a medicinal pheno in there, really hoping that reversal works out for you would be way cool to see what’s in some tk s1 and tk x ssdd :drooling_face::drooling_face:


Niiiiice!!! I got two triforce looking great in soil, growing more vigorous than anything else in there I love it. I had one buddy I sent my catahoula to before my PM mess and when he sent cuts back he also sent some cuts of WTK (the white x TKbx3) I believe it was a seed junky drop originally. He’s a tk lover as well and recommend me to run this for that reason. But I’m excited to see how that grows, Possibly splash some seeds with it in the future maybe a triforce male that seems to veg TKish. We’ll see after I run her!!


And I’m excited to see how your bandaid haze grows out I have these seeds I got at piffcon from the seed source it’s (bandaid haze IX 3.0 #1 X uptown brown bx) I plan on that being my first long flower run when I’m brave enough lol. I had dropped 2-3 of the seeds I have from vernal that was (tk x g13hp) x bandaid haze IX 3.0, they were vegging very cool stacking very hard and growing fast but I ended up being too scared to flower something like this once again and probably just flipped some kushy 9 week flower stuff lol


Here’s a few harvest picks of one of the girls. 71 days from flip

Mom: Sunshine Daydream F2 Bx1 from @HolyAngel
Dad: OG Chem x Casey Jones Bx1 from @LouDog420


Looks killer in here VA, awesome work


Damn, that is some pure fire. :100:

Pz :v:t2:


Stellar work @VAkish very very nice!


Awesome! Glad to hear they’re doing great over there :muscle:
Definitely interested to see how yours turn out! The White x TKBX3 sounds really interesting too!

Bandaid’s are still looking rough from the azamax and the cup falling on them. We’ll see if they turn around and get me some mom’s. I’ll come back and flower them out in the fall. August/September-ish. Right now I’m living vicariously through @iamyou_youareme’s current grow of them.

I honestly don’t think they’ll be that great :sweat_smile: Least compared to my current C5/A5 stuff, but won’t know until I try. Lot of hype surrounding these cuts so we’ll see.

:heart_eyes: :star_struck: :heart_eyes:

Killin it as always over there VAkish!! Damn!
I see a lot of mom(grandma) in that one. Looks like a keeper from here! Looking forward to the report on that stuff. I still need to run those beans!


Lookin beautiful!!!


@HolyAngel Thanks bud! They definitely had good parents. The smells on both are creamy blueberry with more of a dank funk than the SSDD moms.

Here is the other girl. She is the frosty one with wet noodles for branches. :joy:


Hell yeah! That’s exciting!!
She looks really dank and awesome too but I think I like the look of the first one much better :sweat_smile: I’ve seen a bunch that resemble the second and it’s not my favorite flower structure. Bet it still hits tho!


Damn, this one must make some wonderful extractions! What an amazing job you have done.

Pz :v:t2:


EC up to 2.9 currently to stave off the yellowing. Lights have been steady at 500w, 11on/13off.
NHC5Mango F2 #5 was quick to flower but is now 40 days in and still looking like week 3

Dropped in the two D’s NL2 girls on Saturday.

S.1 up front. F.6 in back. S = Skinny Bean | F = Fat bean

C5SensiStar F3 #5 (Mom of the NorthStar line) at 32 days

Looking glorious :heart_eyes: if not a little light green, trying to maintain the momentum…

Other tent shot

SSDD in the corner is on track to be pollinated with TK here in another week or two.
TK on the right has been hit twice so far with TK pollen:

Looks like it’s taking. I also hit one branch of the C5SS girl and a bunch of flowers on the TF1 girl.
I’m honestly not really getting shit for pollen from that TK reversal guys. I’ve been having to pick balls off and run them through the kief box to get the lightest dusting of pollen I’ve ever seen. And then apply that tiny bit with a small paint/watercolor brush :see_no_evil: Definitely need to redo the reversal starting with a fresh clone and spraying every 48hrs to begin-with instead of once a week but that’s gonna be for next time. Still pretty positive I can get enough to look at for now though, see what happens.

This other TK is at 36 days

And this TF4 is at 49 days

Thanks for lookin :slight_smile:


Nice bro. Glad to hear the pollen took. Awesome news!


Those are beautiful. :100:


What? Bullshit. Are you joking here or do you really think that? I have no idea about those cuts, don’t know anything about them other than what I’ve been looking at on Iamyou’s thread haha, didn’t know they were “hyped cuts” and shit.

Plants look good, btw! Haha…


Looking good :heart_eyes::drooling_face:

Pz :v:t2:


Oh I think they’re probably good cuts no bullshit. Not like cookies or anything. I’m just saying compared to the C5 and c5/A5(NorthStar) work I already have myself, I don’t think they’re gonna be that great. I could totally be wrong though. Just my thoughts.

The bandaids seem a5 heavy. I tend to prefer C5 stuff myself but still like a5. The Cuban black is unknown and there’s like 10 different cuts of it so who knows there. My suspicion is it’s a5 too. So double A5 x some random Thai. We’re going off people’s words here and there is indeed a ton of mythical type talk on this bandaid line so I’m taking it all with a grain of salt for now.


Waiting to hear back on the report of this NorthStar girl :drooling_face:

Have enough beans to hopefully find another male in and maybe a better girl but that’s it. Maybe BX to the C5SensiStar mom :thinking: Project for a later time :roll_eyes: