Holy's Garden (Part 1)

Oh… My bad haha! I thought that’s what you meant when you said

That sounded like you were thinking about it to me haha, glad you’re thinking about it now.

A lil’ Nigerian Haze/SSDD cross could maybe turn out pretty cool, anyway… Has anybody done something like that yet?


Definitely could be interesting. I don’t think bodhi or anyone else has done that yet but I can’t say I’ve looked specifically for it either. I did take the starshine male to my NorthStar girls when I ran them out last year or whenever that was ago but haven’t looked at those beans yet. I only made a couple packs worth from each girl and while it’s nl5haze, there’s no Nigerian in that.

Anyways, that Nigerian Haze plant is the one I’m possibly most interested in seeing out of all of these, based on the hype. Followed by the Hollywood Pure Kush. I’m honestly not expecting to be wowed by either one but the hype says a lot so we’ll just have to try them and find out if they need to get tossed or not. Really wish I had two or three TK’s in here instead of just the one. The SSDD girls are all looking promising though. Should make for some nice F3s, and other crosses, if this male keeps working out :crossed_fingers:


Those MaxiGro/Bloom products are good for Soil as well. After your message I had to check it out. No problems @HolyAngel


I dunno, man, I’m pretty impressed with what appears to be an HPK leaner from those Pura Vida f2’s. She’s super-frosty and smells ridiculously good. If the taste is anything close to the way she smells (and she smokes like old HPK), I’ll be pretty dang stoked.


Right. I’ve heard a lot. The clone I have is one of 4 cuts all going by the same name so we’ll see. It might or might not be the same cut used to make the Pura Vida’s :man_shrugging: I think she might be the same cut bobhemphill is calling Topanga Pure Kush

But im not positive. Keeping will depend on if she’s better than the TK or not. Or so different as to still be worth keeping. As-is I suspect she’s an S1 of the TK so I don’t think that’ll be the case. Like these TriForce, they all only have pieces of the TK and not the whole thing. They’re still fantastically good on their own. Overall though she’s a good cut. Roots easily, vigorous growth rate, good branching. Just gotta see about these flowers.


I mean, if it’s legit HPK, it should be very different from TK, just judging from what you and others have said about that TK. HPK shouldn’t make your forehead sweat haha or feel sorta “racy” on the come up or anything. It’s pretty good and mellow weed, definitely not something where you have to “layer” the hits like higherthought suggested in his review of the TK or worry about overdoing it or anything. I’m sure you’ve read it, but I thought his review of the HPK was very accurate.


HPK sounds great. I was considering buying that strayfox HPKxSSDD cross but had concerns about OG cross intersex issues with such a small number of seeds (6). Seems like a worthwhile non-feminized cross to attempt for sure. Not familiar with Nigerian haze but that sounds very interesting as well. Hopefully that male is good, seems like a lot of potential for greatness going on in that tent.


Yeah I’m hoping it’s gonna be what HigherThought says the HPK is. Lime marshmallow kush and just a great anytime high. Idk if that’s gonna be enough to make me keep it though. I got limited room. Could beat the TriForce #1 I’m keeping though, would exchange those if it came to that.

I am going to be making my own versions of StrayFox’s Hollywood Daydream(HPK x SSDD) and Bodhi’s Triple Sunshine(TK x SSDD) with this SSDD F2 male if he continues to work out. He’s looking good! And I’m still fiddling with the lights and such to check for herm potential. I’m also trying to flower that sage plant in the same tent and she’s not flipping at 11/13 so they’re now at 9on/15off.


Well so much for SSDD F3s soon. I guess I spoke too soon on this male.

Every single top has pistils coming out now. I’m going to have pop more beans. Guess this is gonna be another sensi run. Will get to fully evaluate these other two ssdd girls I pulled out at least assuming they stay stable.


Dang bummer man! it had potential


Yeah it really sucks. Bagged and tagged him this morning after quadruple confirming he was herming all over the place :pensive:

Was 40 beans and 2.5 months to find that dude. I should still have ~80ish beans left but they’re not the best ones… likely start them at the next full moon.


Well fuuuuuuuc….
I hate setbacks like that. But sometimes that’s how it goes.


Right… Figure better a setback than breeding with a known herming male. I’ve seen the speculation on males like this increasing female’s in the line and whathaveyou. I’ve even kind of seen that evidence myself with the TriForce line, female heavy there, but not doing that again. Not perpetuating herm’s if I can help it. The clone of that male was staying in veg too :cry: Oh well. Off to find a better one. Wish gender testing wasn’t so expensive or i’d pop all the beans right now. Not trying to spend $1000+ to skip a couple months.


Today is a full moon!


Yeah it’s too late already. I like to soak at like 75% to 90% full… As-is the moon is gonna be getting weaker after today. Plus I already started some other beans so gonna need a couple weeks to sort through those. Next month though :wink:


If you end up needing more hit me up - I’ve got a 10pack from that overgrow preservation in the fridge.


Thank you much! :heart:
Hopefully I don’t need them at all with the amount I have left but if I get there I’ll let ya know :sweat_smile:


You’d hope with 80 left! :crossed_fingers: for the next run!


Full moon tonight @HolyAngel :wink:

Edit: looks like @VAhomegrown beat me to it!


Bit nervous after seeing this image + horse’s issues a few weeks ago. Also remember this post from V2 of the B thread by @ElGalloBlanco .

I’m guessing it’s not uncommon in SSDD F1s?

Assuming my SSDD male doesn’t throw pistils and all goes well you’re welcome to enough to sort through if you need / run out of sebring as well.