Holy's Garden (Part 1)

She’s definitely my favorite TriForce of the four. I need to take some shots of the other one’s. It’s neat in that they each came out with a different aspect to the high.
#1 is anytime
#2 is daytime only. borderline get ya going
#3 is 100% nighttime
#4 is stony afternoon/afterwork

#4 would be the keeper in most peoples hand’s. She’s built just like JOTI’s god bud is, dense as all get out. She is the most frosty, most tasty, most smelly. I just… am not about the high she has. Its pretty damn stony and I like to be functional 98% of the time. I’ve tried to toss the plant a couple times now and just can’t bring myself to do it yet :sweat_smile: I personally like the look of the #1 flowers better but she’s not near as tasty. Just tastes like hash really as opposed to actual terpenes. But the high on the #1 is definitely the thing to beat. Its all the best aspects of the TK high, and all functional. Need to mash both these together, or just pop more beans to find the one girl that has it all. I know she’s in there.


Finally got around to trimming and jarring up the NorthStar #4 girl last night.

This barely 3ft plant put down just under a half pound of flowers :heart_eyes:
Best yielder of the run! Next closest was the Milky Way’s around 4-5oz.
Here’s some shot’s of the average flower

She’s just as strong as, and will override any effects from, the TK, TriForce, you name it :muscle:
First ~15min can have you drooling while you stare off into the distance before she eases up into a nice full on daytime high, completely functional, no racy/anxiety, vivid color inducing… love this stuff!


Lookin dank! Sounds like a great high too - daytime high with vivid colors is so nice for the outdoors!


Oh yeah this is my favorite stuff for hiking and being outdoors in general. Love that I’ll have enough to be prepared for most, if not all, of this summer ^^

I gotta get some things in place but next to get popped is gonna be @Fitzera’s Neville’s Haze x C5Mango F2’s so I can hopefully find a nice NH leaning male to hit this girl with. And/or just make F3’s :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Will get more SSDD F2’s going in the midst of all that too.


Damn that sounds good! Nice work, as always!


Tossed the SSDD F2 #7 for being a herm. 3rd node on every branch. Should’ve just tossed it when I thought about it earlier.
Might’ve hit one flower of the 91HPK/TCPK is how I noticed.

That Kush cut, JJ’s Nigerian Haze, and the SSDD F2 #2 are all looking stable though. I don’t even need to look at the TK or SSDD F2 #1(I did anyways). All good.

On the bright side I now have room to stick in those 2x Maple Leaf x Mazar-I-Shariff girls. I finally took clones of the #2 girl. I think she may be the ticket even though she’s the smaller, less branchy, less vigorous one. We’ll see! Do you remember/know what the stretch is like on those two @newb2.0 ?

The JJ’s Nigerian Haze is actually starting to impress me a bit! She’s checking all the boxes for high potency.

Fattest flowers so far for it being so early… I just hope that TCPK is really good too because I’m gonna have more of that than anything else on this run. Everything is getting frosty so should be good there. Her flowers are right behind JJ’s in size.


Pretty low on stretch, they’re short squat indicas. I’d guess everything else you have in there are gonna stretch a lot more than those 2


Cool thank you! Thats about what I figured :thinking: gonna let them veg out for another week or so then before moving to flower. Wanna have at least a decent stash of them to hold me over until I can run them again.


I started my last batch on a new moon and they were 12/12. Bummer about the male.

And some compost, ratios are important too. Same ingredients different ratios give bricks.


Giving ssdd bx 4 another run in the 4x4 @HolyAngel :grin:


@DesertHeartGardens Nice, I’m following along for sure! I’m glad she was deserving of another run and I’m looking forward to seeing her run out again :slight_smile:

Here’s some shots of a different TriForce for a change. The one I had my eye on since veg and still haven’t been able to bring myself to toss the mom of.

TriForce #4

Smell is like a citrus/lemon; acrid, possibly sourish, rubber; and gas. Taste’s like a acrid sour kush and she tastes that way all the way down :yum: Flowers are very dense! The way the flowers break apart is exactly like the flowers on the JOTI GodBud cut from @GramTorino I grew out almost 2 years ago now. This #4 is the densest, loudest, tastiest of the “pack” I grew but I can’t smoke her all day :cry: The high is fairly heavy on this one taken at just over 10 weeks or 72 days. It’s not enough to put me down per se but definitely enough that I can’t smoke her at work. Makes me a little tired but it’s more that it’s literally harder to physically focus on things. Lot of forehead/third-eye pressure. It’s taken me 45 minutes just type this little paragraph out while smoking her lol. Needless to say, she’s reserved for the lazy afternoon/evening’s unfortunately. I’m hoping maybe taking her at 9 weeks might be better. If it was like the #1 girl there’d be no question of which of the two cuts to keep but as-is, the jury is still out. Wait for the TK and HPK to get done and then really make a decision :sweat_smile:


well if u cant toss her i volunteer to adopt her and put her in my dungeon :smiley:
that would be a sin to toss !!


How’s the smell level on the SSDD bx f2’s?
I ask because this Chem D x Purple Punch has made my entire house reek of sick skunk diarrhea mixed with purple flavored liquor :laughing:

Needless to say I’d like to grow something a little less offensively loud next up!


Sounds like you need a filter for that stinky plant .


@Gonzo Sounds great to me.


Oh I’m running a filter on the inline, venting outside & have a separate HEPA in the room. It’s ridiculous. The minute I open to water plants, you can smell it all over for hours. The room it’s in never stops stinking.


Oh man, none of that over here… The SSDD’s f2 bx1’s range from sour butter, rubber, tropical fruit, berry/blueberry’s, doughy/muffins, musk, and kush. No nasty scents that I’m aware of.


Alright, your SSDD is next up! So excited :100:


Get yourself a UV generator

its risky but it will eliminate




Thanks for that nice little list of “Possible” Stem-Smells from your SSDD f2 bx1.

Last nite I can attest to finding a really stinky Stem, but was not able to reference it against anything familiar…

Tonight, I at least will have some descriptors to compare the next Stem-Rub against.

Have a great day @HolyAngel